Equivalent of SR for women?

The vasectomy example. A male cant ejaculate semen with a vasectomy. They still ejaculate though, it’s not like nothing is released.


You’re definitely right about that. I would definitely love for orgasm and ejaculation separation techniques to become more mainstream and better researched, as it’s definitely much more comprehensive than just “semen retention”.

But, on the topic of semen retention, it’s just focused on the physical plane and the biology. Sperm and semen stores a lot of nutrients and all manner of biological substances that could go towards much more productive things, than just dumping it into a tissue (again, just focus on the biology here).

Women dont really have that, at least not NEARLY to the same degree that men do. In the examples you provided with the link, the only resource that seems to be expended more so is water, but that’s not very difficult for the body to obtain and it’s not like the female body goes through a lot of effort to generate whatever “female semen” you’re taking about. Males have two dangly organs purely dedicated to it.
Not to mention, “female ejaculation”/squirting is far from universal. But, I’ve never heard of a healthy man who literally cant ejaculate.

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The nutrients a male loses during ejaculation aren’t ones we typically tend to be deficient on with western diets anyhow.

Yes we have dangly organs and women have Fallopian tubes. They lose blood for 5/7 days and lots of women are anemic as a result. Men on the other hand as we age have increasing ferritin, hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.

Food for thought basic human drive is food, sex, and sleep. You’re essentially ignoring one of your biological human drives and redirecting the energy.

There’s recent posts on people fasting for food for days before rituals and it also has a profound effect on the energy system.


And then the mod came along and removed the insults, and asked the thread to stay OFF politics and remain as a working thread. Since the very early comments on that thread were solely intended to invalidate and shut it down, I think it’s reasonable to ask people to keep their interests separate, and let the reader decide for themselves what works best.

A clickbait title alone does not break rules. :man_shrugging:


Mod hat OFF:

to the topic, I think the equivalent for women is building an energy body which is absolutely 100% in line with your personal ethics and model of reality, be that as a virgin (or celibate single woman) - a type of person with more than the usual amount of miracles attributed to them in the stories of the saints, and more than usually (as old spinsters) considered likely to be witches.

Or, to be a married/partnered women who’s expressing her shakti that way, in line with her chosen archetypes or concepts of femininity (many of the most powerful goddesses are wives and mothers).

This is also a form of chaste living, to be distinguished from “chastity” as a synonym for virginity (aka having not been penetrated in a sexual context) or for celibacy, which means abstaining from any and all sexual activity.

There’s also the sacred whore archetype, which has been covered in other threads, and the Old Wise Woman/Crone, which gets barely any coverage, including on here.

We only expend an energy matrix when we menstruate around once a month (unlike men, who can get into the habit of doing it many times daily) so our energy bodies are totally different, and also, we have a time before and a time after that, which is set by biology, in a way men don’t.

Our internal preservation of energy is both more diffuse, and more internalised, than a man’s, the same as our part in the reproductive process, which also affects every cell of our bodies, even our minds, emotions, etc., also differs from the male act of reproduction.

Making personal choices which align you with your highest ideals is a route to power, by embodying the energy you consider most sacred (or profane, or whatever model you aspire to).

That could include avoiding sexual acts/masturbation if the woman feels that these are costing her energetically, or in terms of her self-respect and belief she’s living her values. But it seems like less of an issue.

Edgeing/ankhing is neither semen-retention for women, nor chaste living, unless it’s part of how you relate sexually to your spouse/partner, and therefore part of that personal cultivation of shakti by living up to and embodying your personal ideal.

Women don’t need to be aroused before they reach the same state a man is in, just by existing.

It’s a whole different topic, and method of raising energy. :thinking:


PS just as the semen retention thing is believed to attract women, women are likely to give off a general vibe of being “higher value” when we’re absolutely congruent across the spectrum, from our deepest core values, self-expression, and spirituality, all the way out to styling choices, and not giving off an air of insecurity.

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Would it be too off-topic here to raise the question of hormonal birth control and its effect on women as well? :thinking: Despite it having little to do with an SR equivalent for women. Although I suppose one could argue (as I’ve seen a bit of in the pro-SR thread) that it’s something that fundamentally alters you.

I went off hormonal BC after 10 years and have noticed a marked difference. In my general mood, the men I’m attracted to, PMS symptoms (no more tension headaches for 5 days straight, yay!), sexual interest/response. It’s unnerving when you realise you’ve been artificially altering your hormones for a decade and have quite little idea of how it actually affects you until you stop.

Also, my menstrual cycle gradually synched with the lunar cycle (which statistically speaking isn’t super uncommon or noteworthy) but it gives me some small amount of personal satisfaction, and I am experimenting with using that (lunar cycles as well as the tides of my own body) to enhance certain rituals.


I’ve almost never taken it and when I look at women who do, I think there is an energetic difference, because the hormones hold the body in a prolonged state as acting-as-though pregnant.

Women are largely unable to have rational discussions about this though, because we tend to value that thing of representing an “ideal,” so having to consider that some choices are not optimal usually attacks a woman right where she lives and gets her most primal affirmation of identity, and self-worth.

Most women have a deep craving to align with the moral current or idealism of their era, be it from demanding post-birth terminations, through to accepting nightmarish deaths to preserve their virginity for Jesus, or setting themselves on fire as widows, we all want to reach that peak where we’re not just a person muddling through life, but actually totally embodying what we believe to be correct.

So any conversation that might make a woman feel she’s deviated in some way from an ideal will usually be met with disproportionate amounts of emotive argument, and the sincere belief that she’s somehow being personally attacked, and is even in some kind of danger.

For that reason I probably would have to say class it as a medical issue, and for anyone questioning it, do your own research. :wink:

External opinions are easier to evaluate rationally, when they’re not being pushed down our throats at odds with what we currently believe.

PS one of my colleagues in the past had serious anemia, and that was handled by placing her on birth control in unbroken 3-month sets, meaning she only had a “bleed” (not the same as unmedicated menstruation) 4 times a year.

It saved her health and also her fertility in the long-term, because it prevented a hysterectomy. I’m just mentioning this before anyone gets triggered. :+1:


That’s a very common experience with implanon. Sometimes even less frequent periods than 4 times a year. You can also have the side effect of spotting for months too.


Personally I don’t think you’ve gone off topic to what it is really I was looking for

I personally see us woman’s as basically having emotions and being really IN them as one of our natural superpowers

Got confused with what I meant on other thread and it interpreted as me saying we are just hysterical women… while we can be :joy:that’s kinda when we’re unbalanced. Case of me trying to convey I meant something different to how I got interpreted.

When we master them and can use them to our advantage… they really ARE a superpower to find so easy, it’s just very natural for us women. Takes much less effort

So when I say the equivalent of SR…

I’m not looking for how I can go about doing whatever it is they’re doing as such (some of them over there) but what some (the ones who come along and seem more sensible and less offended about it) are trying to understand is doing what they’re getting out of it…

But what MY thing is… I can use to consciously power up and transmute energy upwards for spiritual evolution

I’m only beginning to explore sex magick but it’s one of the most effective things I have discovered- say the spell where you charge a sigil with creation or life force energy?

Trying to go ok… what is it my body does that harnesses that power and I can use to make things even more effective??

Can I do something that would make my orgasm so much more powerful in terms of how much creative energy it’s holding when I release it to charge a sigil or whatever…

How do I go about making my own kundalini go upwards faster… without getting dragged into the fluff that has been going on over on the other thread prior to @Lady_Eva needing to mod it to clear it up


Except we DO

Whilst we are the receiver … the receptive vessel

We have to have a way to DO what the ones who aren’t adding in a ton of politics and fluff to the benefits they get from what they are terming SR … see my above post


I’m personally hoping that some over there who do SR may even be in relationships still having sex, just saving the energy they’re building with a partner…

To DO something creative eg sexual ankhing or whatever

instead of just falling asleep or ending up in a self loathing cycle

Bc THAT would take a lot of self discipline & focus and to me seem incredibly worthwhile to be a journey someone is taking with their partner/s … and I’d say that was mastering it

Perhaps, yes – but fact is, anecdotally, I have as met as many emotionally unstable women as I have men. Or, as many women who are as emotionally stunted or as emotionally immature as men are represented to be in stereotype and popular culture. White and/or western(ised) women generally are more supported in expressing emotions; thus granting more ability to name, differentiate, and express them (where culturally appropriate). It doesn’t necessarily imply mastery of emotion, or freedom from misuse of emotion. Taking into account the element of nature vs. nurture here as well.

Discussing this topic, for me anyway, ties directly into something @Lady_Eva mentioned:

Definitely feeling a tinge of that now :laughing: so keeping that in mind, I will do my best to speak purely from my own experience.

I have no issues identifying my own emotions and I can certainly be prey to them at times, but generally speaking, I am equally comfortable with both yin and yang energy, and feel I identify more closely with yang (active, “masculine”) energy.

Yes, I would agree with this, but having not experienced it from the other side, I can’t say for certain. :stuck_out_tongue:

In light of this goal, I feel like I move toward it by embracing both sides. But there is some benefit to having this passive/“feminine” energy, as you said, in terms of emotional transmutation.

Would I go so far as to pursue celibacy for spiritual ascension? No. Would I accept it for far more mundane reasons? Yes.

This is interesting, as it’s something I’ve toyed with myself, but the way you phrase it raises questions for me. Things I’ve been idly pondering, like: are male magicians’ workings more potent during the daytime, when the sun rules? Does their power increase in the warmer months of spring/summer in their hemisphere? Conversely, are female magicians’ workings more powerful if performed at night, when the moon rules? Personally I have no answer to these; they’re interesting to think about, but I have no yardstick to measure with.

And in regards to sex magick and/or using orgasm to power a sigil: is there a difference in how the sigil is charged, by a female or male person, in regards to the output of active energy vs. the intake of passive impression?

Again, no answer to these, just things I’ve wondered about. Ultimately I’m not devoted to any particular paradigm, and my interest is more academic than anything. That is to say, if both/either result in the intended outcome, does it matter? :thinking:

And this is why I’ve been deliberately experimenting with my body’s natural cycle, and using this, and/or the lunar cycle, which are synchronised, to see what effect it has on results. Of course, my frustration being that there appears to be no measurable criteria for success, beyond pass/fail (result/no result).

That’s where I reckon practicing “ankhing” might be interesting. If you can direct the power into a result (e.g. a sigil) while simultaneously reabsorbing that vital energy, will there be a noticeable difference? Is there a difference if the energy is consistently directed at the sigil and then reabsorbed, with no intention of releasing that energy, vs. determining a finite point for release?

Actually this gives me a few ideas to play around with - the above, as well as harnessing the body’s natural cycle, from death/menses/new moon, through waxing moon to ovulation/full moon, release, and then… conception, growth, birth of a result.

With all due respect… stay in your lane there is a thread to talk about semen retention, and there is a thread to discuss whether there is any female equivalent. This is that thread. Is there a direct female equivalent of semen retention? No, the same way there’s no direct male equivalent of pregnancy. Let’s just live and let live, yeah?

But you do raise a point here which interests me, and that’s I something I hope that is reflected in this post. Because it makes me curious about its practical applications.

Meh. Maybe not in a spiritual sense. Otherwise I largely disagree with this.


YES! I was on them for about 10 months and felt crazy. Saw an elderly man picking flowers near the road, and burst into tears. For several minutes, tears came rolling down my face like a faucet that couldn’t be turned off. I noticed roommates who weren’t on the pill were much more compatible.

Like many pharmaceuticals, synthetic estrogen needs anaerobic bacteria to break down. That’s why you see new sub-divisions that require an aerator in the septic tank. Years ago, Toledo University in the U.S. did a study of the Maumee river basin and found that 1 in 3 male Large Mouth bass had eggs instead of sperm in their testicles. Similar deformities were found in Florida among alligator and aquatic birds. Pills are polluting water and it’s having an adverse effect on the ecosystem.


birth control is the tip of the iceberg. SSRIs and other antidepressants wreak havoc on the human body especially since most doctors choose trial and error over genetic testing to determine which may be the most compatible with their patients.


Couldn’t agree more. Pesticides and fertilizers also play a role. I sometimes drink straight from a spring when hiking and some relatives get freaked out about it. “You don’t know what’s in that water!” They have no idea what they’re drinking and bathing in.


Yeah, I didn’t want to get into that and go too far off topic but. I tried eating butter substitutes, flax milk, and other engineered smart foods. I got super bitchy and then found out about phytoestrogens. then I looked at the ingredients of some of the foods… i try to stay away away from eating chemistry experiments now.

Luckily I’m in a good place financially to eat healthier because back in the day I could put down 2,000 calories at McDonald’s for like 3.00 a day and would budget like that.


Just came back to this to read through… I’m totally going to try this myself too… that was a really helpful awesome comment! Thank you!


What the fuck guys? The solution is simple.
The female version of semen retention is the same as the male version. Don’t have sex, don’t masturbate.

I’ve got a female friend who did this, and she has been in God Mode for the past year, and has no plans of getting off of it.

I think you’re missing the point. Sex doesn’t have to equal ejaculation. And @anon69037110 and @anon8398376 correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the goal of semen retention not to stop all ejaculation but just useless ones? I think it was mentioned here that semen retention can even continue during and enhance sex.


I can’t miss the point if I didn’t read every post in the thread.

But yeah I get what you mean.

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