Entity to make someone make out with *the magician* in some hours

I already work with spirits in my love life. But, well, I’m going to this party and I want to make out with a specific person that I don’t feel romantic attraction. The party is today. How can i get this using a spirit or what Spirit should i use?


Sitri came to mind


Yes Prince Sitri will do quite well here .

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I evoked Sitri once for this purpose, well he made the path for me but i just didn’t walk haha (yeah i know, its horrible)
I’ll evoke him or Dantalion with Seere and see what he can do


Try to invoke instead - take his essence into you. And enjoy it :grin:


hmmmmmm i think you’re right

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May want Dantalion, I’ve heard mixed things about Sitri, unless you’re looking for solely a fling

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its just a fling, going to do this now

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Sitri is best for lust and dantallion is best for manipulation.
As far as situation is concerned, you know who is best for you.

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i called sitri, he accepted and didn’t do what i asked for (???)

How about you go for Astarte?

i work with astaroth and she also works in my love life
never evoked the aspect of astarte, do you have any experiences?


Nope, I’m planning to work with her in future.
But I heard lot of things about her.


how is she helping withyour love life?

she tells me to chill the fuck out about the subject when i need someone to do this haha

What have you done to your face @AradiaX :roll_eyes::smiley:

what method of evocation are you using?

opening the sigil and contact the spirit via thoughts or pendulum

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Ahahahaha :rofl::rofl::wink:

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