Entities that help in studies

I hope it doesn’t sound idiotic,which entities based on your personal experience,are good for helping out in studies ? I mean,I don’t have the intention of simply tasking the spirit to help me while I shake my leg and gaze at the stars,I’ll be putting my work too,what I’m really looking is a sort of mentor or guide,if you will,in my further education

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All the scribe entities, like Thoth, and Hermes, and the planetary forces of Mercury, and Paralda, Elemental King of Air, pretty much any entity whose domain is the mind, intellect or communication. I’d recommend Paralda. He can greatly aid in clearing your mind, and increasing your memory retention of whatever you’re learning.


Thoth/Dhjuty has always really helped me when I needed to study, he’s excellent.


I second for Thoth and Paralda (never workes much with him though). I would add also a Jupiter Current to imbue them. Jupiter does great for memory skills and also helps resolving blockages and entanglements.



Saraswati Mantra to Excel in Studies by Krishna _ 54 Chants


I know this isn’t entirely related, but this has helped me discover a lot of strange stuff out.

If the answer to something deep and profound ever escapes you, get deep into trance and open this sigil,

get a list of questions, and get so deep in trance that you need it because you’ll forget what to ask otherwise.

with a clear mind ask your question(s), and hear the great mind answer.

                                     4th seal of Mercury

I have used this before to great success when I needed something specific where the answer was completely hidden to me.

Hope this helps

Best of Luck,
-Frater Apotheosis

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This every bit of it.

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[quote=“Frater Apotheosis, post:6, topic:2935”]I know this isn’t entirely related, but this has helped me discover a lot of strange stuff out.

If the answer to something deep and profound ever escapes you, get deep into trance and open this sigil,

get a list of questions, and get so deep in trance that you need it because you’ll forget what to ask otherwise.

with a clear mind ask your question(s), and hear the great mind answer.

                                     4th seal of Mercury

I have used this before to great success when I needed something specific where the answer was completely hidden to me.

Hope this helps

Best of Luck,
-Frater Apotheosis[/quote]

I used to have a talisman with this inscribed on it! I can atest this does work well!

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How do you work with Paralda? Any step by step guide?

The same way you would work with any spirit.

This forum is full of “step by step” guides. There is very little difference between evoking a demon and evoking an angel or elemental. You don’t need a different ritual as the actual steps of evocation are exactly the same regardless of entity. Just substitute the seal, and incantation.


I just realised this was ages ago, anyways I’d do as you’ve said then.

Thanks but which entity has this sigil