Entities "names"

E.A. points out that modern magicians place too much emphasis on things like the proper pronunciation of demons names. That being said, it seems like you should have a specific entity in mind when calling on it. For example, if I just ask to speak with the demon of wealth, will Bune show up? Or would another demon of wealth show up? Any thoughts?

I bet I pronounce the name Buné differently to another English magician in Manchester or Glasgow - and these are vowel sounds, traditionally held to be the most important, but accents differ from county to county, state to state… then there’s chain shift, which is a whole kettle of fish on its own.

That being said, it seems like you should have a specific entity in mind when calling on it. For example, if I just ask to speak with the demon of wealth, will Bune show up? Or would another demon of wealth show up? Any thoughts?

Tough one - for a start, most demons seem to be pretty complex and not just “the demon of X” kind of thing.

Buné for example has this listing in the Ars Goetia: "The Twenty-sixth Spirit is Bune (or Bime). He is a Strong, Great and Mighty Duke. He appeareth in the form of a Dragon with three heads, one like a Dog, one like a Gryphon, and one like a Man. He speaketh with a high and comely Voice.

He changeth the Place of the Dead, and causeth the Spirits which be under him to gather together upon your Sepulchres. He giveth Riches unto a Man, and maketh him Wise and Eloquent. He giveth true Answers unto Demands. And he governeth 30 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, unto the which he oweth Obedience. He hath another Seal (which is the first of these, but the last is the best)."

Buné has seldom spoken about money to me, but has worked at length with my ancestors, and provided a kind of resurrection body for my deceased parent’s Higher Self to operate so that I can speak to them for real instead of just a revenant, so that’s a different kind of wealth - if you read their grimoire descriptions, many demons have quite complicated (and seemingly unrelated) interests.

IMO, find a sigil for demons, or some imagery for the classical gods such as Hathor or Artemis, and hold a very clear intent to summon only that spirit, not “and/or anyone else who might help” - and then, when a spirit appears, or you feel the presence of another consciousness around you, ask them to show you their signature or sigil, speak their name, or whatever - for some reason that seems to work, and although any spirit might attempt to answer a summons, when they’re asked to ID themselves, they can’t lie and claim to be a spirit that they’re not.

Why, I don’t know, but that seems a fairly widespread experience.

All this is just the current state of my own knowledge: based on Varnaxis’ experience when he was alive, sometimes calling out with force and intention (and, to be fair, many previous lives in which he commanded magickal power) can sometimes bring you the best spirit for the job - something that also holds true in core shamanism, where you journey with an intent like “Take me to a spirit who can heal such-and-such” and you will consistantly get the right spirit, and not a trickster or one who doesn’t specialise in that. Again, why? - dunno. :slight_smile:

But it does seem to be very reliable.

Specific words activate specific currents.At least that’s my experience so far.I was trying to connect with the barakiel with no results until i used the greek name instead.
I’m not sure about anything anymore and i realize that many things that work for others doesn’t work for me and the reverse.
Propably some people can do mental connection with entities,others are using only speech,and others can do both of them at the same time.

The catalyst for this question is E.A.'s latest videos on his Black Magick course. He made me think to myself: If “names” are necessary in order to communicate with the spirits, then how did the original sorcerers come across the names to begin with? It seems like communication must have occurred first in order for the entity to give the sorcerer their name?

I think a name is necessary for your mind to open the specific gate and not for the entity it self.Our mind knows that a tree is this wooden thing but the tree it self it is what it is no matter how we call it.
I don’t know who named the entities but i can use these names to connect with them.In simple words you need at least a name or a sigil to call someone.
If you just call a spirit of wealth to assist you,you don’t know who will come.Propably a parasite or a wondering asshole who wants to laugh and play with you.

Dron your rite, but why are they in contact with use? Why do they come when we call and help? I know this is a little off topic but I’m starting to think we are more powerful or much older then they are. Maybe before we come into this reality We existed along side them. Maybe a pact was created for them to help use remember but not give it all up?

[quote=“dron, post:3, topic:6943”]Specific words activate specific currents.At least that’s my experience so far.I was trying to connect with the barakiel with no results until i used the greek name instead.
I’m not sure about anything anymore and i realize that many things that work for others doesn’t work for me and the reverse.
Propably some people can do mental connection with entities,others are using only speech,and others can do both of them at the same time.[/quote]

Well you know Demon/Daemon means genius and is a muse. The Greek Gods are just the greek version of Daemons. When you go back to the Greek its pretty much Dumping the Judeo-Xian Meme… Which creates what I call alot of Anti-Magick ties hindering you. If you know how to work with differrnt archetypal infkuences across cultures you could easily not only neutralize all bad influences, but have them empower the evokation of any spirit into this realm. That in itself is both the understanding and act of realizing the mechanisms that make Chaos Magick Effective

LOL element…You make me feel like a teacher and i prefer the student mode.How can i know for sure?I just practise to get results (or at least i’m trying)

Maybe we have the right to do it because we’re multidimensional beings.Our astral body exists in another dimension so it’s not a surprise that we have access to astral realms and astral entities.We’re allready there(and i think much more higher)

Biosynth i’m not sure if i understand correctly what you want to say,but i insist about what i said.Names are not just names the way we think of.
You know you can call planetary energies using only vowels and i have seen what a simple mantra can do.If the logos-speech has such power then i want to do it the right way.

Yeah. Well there are also different cultures that have their own kabbalah practice to tap into those planetary energies as welll as associated Gods. For example, you have Runic vibratjons from a few different cultures that share simularities, but their vibrations are slightly different…colored, due to pronunciation of the alphabet. You could actually use Runes to tap into Planetary Energies if you knew what you were doing.

That’s why i’m telling you that the current is behind the words and not your intention.Surya is activating solar energies.Helios is activating the same current,and other names from other cultures do the same thing.
But if you decide to connect with the greek current of the sun you have to say the word the correct way.And the same counts for the other languages.
HELIOS has a current behind it.HALIOS or HELIAOS means another thing.That’s why it’s important to learn the correct pronunciation when you work only with speech

[quote=“dron, post:11, topic:6943”]That’s why i’m telling you that the current is behind the words and not your intention.Surya is activating solar energies.Helios is activating the same current,and other names from other cultures do the same thing.
But if you decide to connect with the greek current of the sun you have to say the word the correct way.And the same counts for the other languages.
HELIOS has a current behind it.HALIOS or HELIAOS means another thing.That’s why it’s important to learn the correct pronunciation when you work only with speech[/quote]

This then makes me wonder about pitch & volume, what are your ideas here? If you are purely relying on speech, would words spoken at a certain pitch or volume be better received than another?

Imo you don’t have to vibrate anything at all.Changing the pitch and the volume of your voice has impact only to your self.After all you want your voice to be heard in the astral-etheric and not the physical.Plus the fact that it throws you out of the TGS.
Personaly when i’m trance my voice changes dramaticaly and it’s like the words are vibrating without my effort.

Another example is this:
Many people are praying to something using the same words over and over again.Without knowing it,they keep pouring energy and emotions into that something.Now you come as a magician,using the same words as them but instead of pouring into that current you absorb it and shape it to your needs.Changing the words of the prayer it can mean that you’re creating a new current instead of taping to the existing one which is of course more powerful.

This is how i see it and why i think that sometimes you have to follow spells by the letter.Of course i could be wrong but for the moment it makes sense to me