Enn for Buer?

I have been using the enn mentioned for Buer " Erato on ca Buer anon"
followed by the phrase " Please heal condition xyz" as a mantra .
I have been repeating this in my head or do I need to do it aloud ?
After a half hour i thank Buer for his healing aid and repectfully dismiss
him .


I would try it aloud as enns/calls are designed to help you reach a certain trance state. You may want to experiment and try it aloud for a week or two to see if you notice a difference between your previous method.


I tried the chanting out loud , but I went back to reciting the enn and the desired effect in my head . Last night I had a little weird experience . In the middle of the process I became I annoyed that I forgot to take off my hood . Then I realized I wasnt wearing a hood . I do experience sensations in my arms and legs , and feel a somewhat recharged during and after the process .