Energizing Sigils

I was reading a great post by @DarkestKnight about energizing yourself. Further reading I saw “energizing sigals” I was curious how this is done!

To my knowledge it is ok to print then trace around a sigal to use/have.

Again, completely new here! Also, are private messages allowed? I didn’t see an option to just send a message. And I’m kind of new to forums too! So forgive the “newbie” mistakes I make as I go! :sweat_smile:

Thank you!

As a new member of the forum, the ability to PM is locked by the system until you reach a certain threshold of activity, then it will unlock automatically.

Yes, printing out a seal is fine.

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Totally makes sense! Thank you :slight_smile:

Is there something that needs to be done to energize a sigal? I think it was in the comments of your post that someone said they energized a certain sigal and kept it under a pillow. In hope for lucid dreaming. It just made me curious. I have only one sigal I have at the moment. I carry that one with me as I was told … As I start to look at other sigals I now wonder what exactly to do to “energize”. Thanks :blush:

Basically, it means channelling energy into the sigil.

With a spirit seal, you trace it with you finger and visualize your energy flowing into it, then gaze at it until it opens.


Thank you!

This is how you would open a sigal, correct? I did this last night too I did the tracing and gazing at it before putting it under my pillow. I kept gazing until it went out of focus - but possibly didn’t do it long enough.

I once heard from another practitioner that smelling salts are very effective. I’ve tried it, myself, and have had a lot of success with it. Basically, you smell them while gazing at the sigil. The adrenaline rush the salts give you helps charge/awaken it. The important part is to channel your surge of energy into the sigil.

Hope this helps!


Thank you! That’s interesting to know! I’ve never actually tried smelling salts!

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I just bought a small bottle of this! I wish I had known about it when I was lifting weights! :joy:

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Good idea.

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