Enchanting an instrument

Musicians, have you ever tried enchanting your instrument(s) with a certain energy or spirit? If so what were your results? As a guitar player Im curious about this topic.

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I’m not a, musician but its, definitely possible to enchant, an instrument using the assurance of an, entities energy… But using it for sometime is, recommended so that it picks up on you E. S… For a while… The symbiosis of energy can produce Sth stellar

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A year ago I decided to enchant my trombone. I decided to focus on quality of tone and hitting high notes. Just meditate a bit before hand and hold the instrument. Focus on bring forth the desired enchantments and sit there for 15 minutes while giving it the enchantments. It worked wonders for me. It went away once i cleaned the instrument though but considering that it is a guitar you probably wont have that issue and you could just enchant it again either way

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