Emotional healing and freedom

Please let me know, which demon can heal me emotionally and give me ultimate freedom.? I am bonded with guilt, shame and fear.Need your help.



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Ask Satan directly.

If you are sincere, any spirit will help. When I first started practicing, was due to frustration and depression on my state of affairs up until then. I evoked Fenrir and asked him sincerely to show me how to defend myself and break the chains I was caught in.

Shortly thereafter I was homeless, but my desire was granted and now I’m much better for it. They will listen if you call. If you come to them as family, you will be received as family. Even gods of destruction can help you, so don’t be caught up in the idea of ‘demons are malevolent, but one or two might be cool’.

A good demon or entity to assist you is the one you feel the most interest towards. Who’s name or story catches your attention?


Yes you can ask a demon king to help you. Or an angel. Or look up some Deepak Chopra power stuff that will remind you of your innocence, inherent perfection and mindfulness to choose to be better and not make the same mistakes.

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My go to for this has always been the Goddess Magna Mater Cybele.