Emotional Eating - Which Demon or Angel?

hello everyone,

if someone is looking to deal with their emotional eating, is there a demon or an angel that can help with that? How can you stop that urge of eating when something upsets you?

Thank you for your help🙏

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Not an angel of demon, but you could try Paralda. Helped me with resisting drug cravings, so I imagine he could assist you with this.


Belial for the problems manifestation, overeating.

And you’ll want one for the emotional end, probably Dantalion.

Belial is ridiculously good at this. Though I’ve relapsed on some things, my mind was blown when he completely eliminated my need/craving for caffeine, alcohol, tobacco.

Not joking, it was like I felt absolutely nothing about any of those and they seemed rather insignificant.

I’ve had maybe one interaction with Dantalion when I was having some trouble and it honestly felt like being comforted by an angel. It was a very profound calm and serenity.


@Snowblind what is Paralda considered?

@crookedpathfinder what do u mean by problems manifestation? I heard Belial is tough to work with? like he can turn ur life upside down to make u realise stuff.

Did Dantalion help you with the craving as well?

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He is the elemental king of Air.


What led you to use Paralda for addictions? Neat choice btw, it wouldn’t have occured to me.


great question !!

I was reading about him on this forum, and read some interviews with him. I’m not sure it was the one by darkestknight or another one I can’t find anymore, but he told them he taught “abstinence”.

When I was working with Paralda, I asked him what this meant and he said “abstaining from and avoiding that which is unwanted/undesirable.”

Edit: the interview I read it in.


oh wow @Snowblind thank you that’s amazing. !! how long would u say it took to see improvement for ur addiction?

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Shortly after the ritual, I was sitting on the couch and felt an odd rushing sensation, and got somewhat panicky. This feeling then became a exited feeling, which subsided quickly; the whole thing was about 5 minutes. The change seemed to take effect then, and strengthened over the next few weeks.

^ I realize that may not have been the clearest wording.

I meant the overeating.