Elementals, just a reminder that they are there

Titans are also considered elementals by some as well as many nature gods and goddess. In the end, it is simply a definition and does not change the nature of the individual spirits.


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There are also Japanese tree spirits, come to thinking about it.

I’m not sure if there is anything to this or not, but I have always wondered in the entities encountered on salvia divinorum are nature spirits of some kind. Could be just drug hallucinations, but they always had a strangely real feeling to them. Haven’t taken the stuff in years, but have considered investigating further.

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I can only speak from a Magic Mushroom experience, where I could swear I saw druids and gnomes in this park across from where I lived.
There is an actual town group of Druidry that meets there I found out decades later.


Will look into the druidry group, and will invoke the Element of Earth today.

@Nocte_ac_die I stumbled on this from last year:

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Cool, thanks, will check it out after work.

@Nocte_ac_die just a summary reminder of how to go about magick so it’s effective bear with me and I’ll get to the point of it.

Determine need then research ways to meet need mundane and magickal then use best solution.

Plant example coming cuz I’m a plant nerd gardener.

You transplanted a flower it’s wilting. You feel the soil it’s moist. So you’ve decided it needs extra help who do you call on. Well provable earth and or water entity. The soil isn’t dry Amos you’d try an earth entity first water second UNLESS you only watered it 5 minutes ago.

You’d ask that entity to help it root and make sure it stayed anchored and don’t fall over and let the roots get exposed ti air and dry out and to make sure the soil was loose enough that the plant could breath.

Determine need determine best resource use best resource. Forest fire threatens your home air and or fire entity would likely be best to call on but if a flood threatened it a water entity would obviously make more sense.

You are mentioning Djin or Jinn and assuming they are all fire elementals. I heard or read somewhere that some are earth element related.

Seems to me, after you determine what you need to fix, you don’t and you need a Jinn or Djin you still gotta research the individuals and compare if they can meet your need. Only once you know the need and who/what/how to meet it can you actually succeed at your goal.

:arrow_forward:You don’t call a fire entity to control a flood you don’t calll a water entity to start a prayer restoration burn. So figure what you need (1 need at a time) then move to get it met but don’t assume things.

Just cuz Ahab the Arab says all Djin or Jinn are evil fire monster demons doesn’t Make it so
unless a bunch of other peoples gnosis also confirms it.

:arrow_forward:As to Djin/Jinn = Fire, I heard some are earth element linked some fire and some air. Did I hear right? I dunno but I know I’d research who’s who and whats what before calling them.

Tribute to Ray Stevens with the Ahab comment intended. I love that man’s songs.

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Add: but don’t do a half dozen things at once randomly throwing snowballs hoping to hit something as it were. Research and use the right method/entity and don’t assume something find out for sure so some don’t entity don’t get mad and bitchslap ya for assuming they’re fire when they ain’t or for calling them when it ain’t their area of expertise.


my first ever elemental experience was with gnomes, I was 2.5 and I had played between 3 trees on a field, they came suddenly, a whole bunch of them and dancing around me in a circle and singing, it felt never ending and scared the shit out of me… I never spoke about it, always remembered. At 5 I “met” a man that looked like a druid and he pointed at me and with his hands told me to come with him… I understood he was beyond the veil and I ran home as quickly as possible It took me until adulthood to make a little sense of these experiences, so definitely possible that what you saw on mushrooms was very real, too, as you are so much more open to see beyond the veil. Also maybe you have some druid/Celtic blood in you or past life connection to it? That was for me personally the only logic connection to make.


Im Scottish-Welsh and Irish-English. Always felt connection to nature. Was told I was a Druid in one of my handful of past lives, and was murdered by a fellow druid due to thirst for power. Funny we mention smurf houses, thats popped up all of a sudden along with more shrubbery. I can imagine that would be scary.

Yeah, Djinn are not “fire element”, fire.
They’re “smokeless fire”, which means, as far as I can tell, plasma, i.e. energy beings. The two are not to be confused.


Some may be made of poisonous fire (samum) if I may add :smiley:


Actually;y, isn’t the fire elemental salamanders and not Jinn/Djinn, thats the name of the elemental king if I recall correctly. Slaps myself