Egun Your Spirit guides Boveda

People talk about Voodoo on here but no one tlks about what everything starts with. Your Egun. They are your spirit guides that protect you and guide you through life. The best way to take care of your egun is by having a Boveda, A spirtual table. Take a table and put a clean white table cloth on it, Bless it with Holy water and say I bless this as special place for my Ancestors egun and Spirit guides. most Bovedas have 9 to 8 cups filled with water with one cup bigger then all the rest placed in the middle of the formation of cups.depending on what system your in. On the table you should have pics of deceased family members and friends. What I do is take a piece of brown paper bag and write the names of all of my deceased realtives and loved ones and put it under the big cup. You should change he water at least once a week. Take the water from each cup and dump it outside of your house. This is the way I was taught. its said to be bad luck if you dump it down your drain in your home. you should dedicate some time to pray or meditate in front of your boveda as much as you can. Asking your sprits to show them selfs to you. To speak lound and clear so you can understand them. Now heres a big hint that stumped me for awhile. I said Padrino what the fuck. I dont hear my spirits. He looked at me and laughed. He said thats the secret that alot of people dont know. your spirits speak to you through your conscience and your feelings. E.a says in mastering divination to go with instincts and intuition. If most of us did wed be alot better off. try to spend time sitting and meditating in front of your table. light candles for your spirits at your table and say Egun I light this in your honor to give you the light you need in the spirit world and elevate you. theres different formations to the table for different situations. youtub Sanse Boveda Spritualism theres some good videos out there. If you want to get into any form of Voodoo 21 divisions Obeah Voodoo Palo Mayombe Santeria it all starts here. Develop your spirits to make them stronger so they can help you get what you want and need out of life. You evolving more spirtually helps them get to the next level in the after life.

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Is this the head spirit?

You have a guardian angel but you have a few spirits that protect you. It’s called your spiritual court.

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Mider, he is describing veneration of ancestors. The fact that he says he puts the names of dead relatives and loved ones under the glass of water should be an indication to that.

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Didn’t fully read it, sorry.

Indeed honoring your dead is the entry point within the context of any ATR. In Palo however, it is taught that everyone can erect a boveda, but only one person in the family is chosen to keep the family shrine. They are discovered through divination and if the spirits call for it, they are directed to Egbe Egungun. That is a secret society within the west african current for dealing with the dead in a similar fashion to the Lwa or Orisha mounting the dancers at a bembe or fet.

To perform a service to your ancestors is not difficult, it just requires the discipline of consistency. I was taught to pick anytime at night because the spirits are most active at night, place a white sheet over a small coffee table and place photos of (only) deceased loved ones (ill elaborate in a second). Place a fresh glass of water on the table and any artifacts which may have belonged to one of the deceased. Personalize it-if your mother always had a cup of coffee with honey in the evening while she watched her favorite show or whatever then make her one and place it there for the night. If you lost a sibling when you were yound and have a special object you feel you wouldve given to them give it to them there. Now heres one of the hidden keys: the service must performed at the same time every night for at least 13 minutes, 7 days in a row out of the month. This is to create a tangible crossroads. A place in time where they know to meet you. Now you light a white candle, go into a meditative state by whatever relaxation methods you use, and simply speak to the dead. You must know that they hear your voice, they are listening. Speak to them directly. No sovereign elaborate prayers are needed, thats all bullshit. Make it personal. Tell them about any problems or concerns youre facing, any memories of them that made your day, etc. And watch for any changes or reactions in your life.

Now, never place photos of anyone living on your boveda. Why? Your egun will take them away. This is one method of cursing someone you can use as well. Just place their photo on tje altar and speak to your egun about how theyre tripping you up. You could ask Shigadee as well…but he might just fuck with you too if hes in the mood for some fun }:slight_smile: koshi koshi!

It’s ok to put living relatives on your ancestor altar, the eggun won’t take them away. I have relatives on my ancestor altar that are doing just fine.

[quote=“Mider2009, post:2, topic:3978”][quote=“jaysalamone, post:1, topic:3978”]People talk about Voodoo on here but no one tlks about what everything starts with. Your Egun. They are your spirit guides that protect you and guide you through life. The best way to take care of your egun is by having a Boveda, A spirtual table. Take a table and put a clean white table cloth on it, Bless it with Holy water and say I bless this as special place for my Ancestors egun and Spirit guides. most Bovedas have 9 to 8 cups filled with water with one cup bigger then all the rest placed in the middle of the formation of cups.depending on what system your in. On the table you should have pics of deceased family members and friends. What I do is take a piece of brown paper bag and write the names of all of my deceased realtives and loved ones and put it under the big cup. You should change he water at least once a week. Take the water from each cup and dump it outside of your house. This is the way I was taught. its said to be bad luck if you dump it down your drain in your home. you should dedicate some time to pray or meditate in front of your boveda as much as you can. Asking your sprits to show them selfs to you. To speak lound and clear so you can understand them. Now heres a big hint that stumped me for awhile. I said Padrino what the fuck. I dont hear my spirits. He looked at me and laughed. He said thats the secret that alot of people dont know. your spirits speak to you through your conscience and your feelings. E.a says in mastering divination to go with instincts and intuition. If most of us did wed be alot better off. try to spend time sitting and meditating in front of your table. light candles for your spirits at your table and say Egun I light this in your honor to give you the light you need in the spirit world and elevate you. theres different formations to the table for different situations. youtub Sanse Boveda Spritualism theres some good videos out there. If you want to get into any form of Voodoo 21 divisions Obeah Voodoo Palo Mayombe Santeria it all starts here. Develop your spirits to make them stronger so they can help you get what you want and need out of life. You evolving more spirtually helps them get to the next level in the after life.[/quote] egun is the term used in santaria in palo we called them something else but its the same concept the dead give birth to ocha

Is this the head spirit?[/quote]

Egun is the term for the Ancestors.

Egun in Umbanda is the term for obssesing spirits.