Effect of masturbation

I was discussing with someone who is into occult but has not seen tangible results. He first of said he doesn’t practice often and secondly, he loves masturbating and felt that could be the hindrance why he is not seeing results. He needed my advice but i couldn’t just tell him it’s right or wrong since I have been hearing of sex magick.He wants to delve into core studying of black magick but needed to clarify this issue. Is masturbation as a practicing magician bad? What do i advice him?

Is the practice of masturbation bad for a black magician?

Well you can tell this person that you know … that it would be hard to find a black magician that didn’t ever masturbate.

If you were to have an orgasm in a ritual regardless of how it was brought about it can be used to effect change.

You could view masturbation as bad if you intend to build up sexual energy for what ever reason and then release it as some point in time and you are wasting it by masturbating every day.

Sounds like you were raised catholic or something and feel guilty about something you shouldn’t.

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I agree with deathwish, im assuming he has guilt over masturbation and magic, using them to justify why he cant do the other.

Direct him to black tantra, which is tantra that ends in orgasm for a starting point

Can anyone name a form of masturbation that’s bad??? Maybe using fire…Maybe. Sex magick and black tantra is quite literally one of the hardest forms of magick to do. Lots and lots of work go into it. And as far as catholic guilt goes, i don’t know. Tell your friend to start masturbing to a virgin mary statue or something. Best starting point to black magick is to be very, VERY blaspheming about it;)

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I’ve noticed when I go celibate for awhile it really does help my magickal results and it helps me communicate better with the spirits I try and communicate with. When I’m not it’s almost like a giant block for me.


maybe he could learn to have non-ejaculatory orgasms…and yes sex magic is hard but you could do the more basic things like sigil charging, eating your own sperm to invoke something or instill yourself with something and making the elixir of life (cum from both genders)

Someone I know also loves masturbating and he does it so often it has become a huge distraction and a hinderance to him. I think you can reach a point to where you crave the release of orgasm so much, that you become addicted to orgasming. The guy I know literally can not go a single day without getting off and he has fooled himself into believing if he doesn’t, he will get mood swings, the whole blue balls thing. But that can be overcome with strict discipline.

And sex magick is indeed powerful but I do agree, for some people it’s hard to shake those feelings of “this is wrong” because of their previous religious exposure. For anyone, not aimed at the OP: Try masturbating in a magick circle surrounded by spirits and tell me if doesn’t help to ease your mind about being embarrassed by it. That is the quickest way to get over the stereotypes of “this is wrong” because if you can bring yourself to do your dirty deeds in front of a bunch of powerful, serious, and ancient spirits then you really won’t feel embarrassed by much at all after that.

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^ I agree, masturbation addiction is not only a dead end for spiritual practices but it’s also very energy draining more so than sex, imo. I also enjoy fasting before magical works. Those 2 combined before a working along with some meditation is very powerful.

I think there is something to the eastern traditions that say that abstinence is necessary to build up energy. I do not believe it is necessary, but, I do think and feel, from my own recent experiments with energy manipulation in the chakras, that sexual energy (or any energy) can actually be redistributed and re-purposed for other uses.

Im thinking that feeling horny is an energy build up in the sacral chakra. It seems that you can redirect that energy to the adjacent chakras where it is equalized between them all.

Try this yourself by sensing the chakra where energy is the most powerful for you. It can be different for different people, but if theres enough of that energy can you actually feel a physical sensation of that energy. For instance if your most active one is the solar plexus one, both imagine, and make yourself feel, a tunnel formed between the solar plexus and heart chakra. See the solar plexus as a yellow sphere, and the heart as a green sphere. Imagine a cylindrical tube connecting them, mixing the colors between the two on a smooth gradient.

Visualize but FEEL this, and the energy ebbing from one chakra to the other. From my experiments, the energy equalizes between the two chakras gradually as nothing else is done.

This technique can be applied to any number of the chakras all at once. The more chakras that are actively linked, the more distributed the energy becomes.

Basically you are just averaging the energy out over multiple points. More points = higher distribution / less centralization. Less energy in the sacral chakra = not as horny = less inclination to wank it.

So if your friend is a sex/wank addicted, their suspicion may actually be right in that they are constantly draining their energy from one chakra, and the others are trying to balance it out but its like a sieve that doesnt stop leaking energy, so hes constantly without “vital” energy (or whatever you would call it) and unable to perform any magickal works that would require it (all of them).

If he re-directed that energy though (which I think is the whole point of the “abstinence” thing in some eastern traditions), who knows what he could accomplish. Energy is energy, its just about which device you are directing it to to use it.


You can acutally redistribute the energy build up in your root chakra into your other chakras to achieve instant kundalini. And once that is done, your urges will lesson and the energy will feel even all throughout your body.


I think it depends on your path, the purpose of your path and what kind of entities you’re working with.

Sexual entities, like “succubus” or “incubus” is pretty given, but there’s other kind of intimate spirits out there, too. There’s a time when the sexual aspect is pretty extensive, which usually is in the beginning. But over time, it becomes pretty much spontaneous and sometimes these spirits doesn’t have interest in sexual activities at all.

Sex magic have much in common with blood magic, because both can be used as a sacrificial of a life and a death force. Blood is considered as a gift of life or death, just as sperm. A pretty powerful gift for a spirit, right?

But like any addiction out there, the main purpose gets lost somewhere on the line. A supposed “gift”, or as a part of strengthen an ability gets pretty useless when egoistic behavior is taking the charge.

Masturbation as a practicing magician can be bad if there’s no result in doing it. If there’s no result, then maybe he have to try something else?

i think we are all talking a matter of degree here. once every other day is not really a problem. If its a 5-25 times a day thing. O.k. i can see how that might cut into magickal practices and every other area of life. Abstinence can be a good thing. I’m in the habit of doing that with different things all the time for no other reason then seeing if they are worth my time or needs to be removed from my life all together. So your friend needs to understand its not really about right or wrong its more about what he wants out of magick and life and what he should focus his attention into to get it.

One other suggestion: get him looking online for some of the chaos magick rituals that use masturbation as a part of the ritual, that’s a thing people do and it might be a good bridge between the two, erm, pastimes. :slight_smile:

If he’s just doing it to push away low moods or thoughts, or to stop himself seeing some emptiness in his life, then those things are probably the real blocks to power, not the hand shandies.

Yes, masturbation can be addicting and a hindrance. It is a waste of vital energy especially when you ejaculate day after day. As a matter of fact the reason for most of men’s erectile dysfunction is excessive masturbation due to internet porn (distraction) which is easily accessible nowadays.

The only advice I can give is to turn abstinence into a meditative practice. He doesn’t have to do it all at once, cold turkey. Try to experiment, it could be made into a path working, so he should take note on where the mind wants to wander and to maintain focus because eventually the urges will manifest into the dream state. This is also good practice as one can learn to manipulate the dream state, a sort of dream yoga. Its really about discipline and more.

I agree with the others that anybody struggling with sexual tension or stimuli should learn about different forms of tantra and systems of sexual alchemy. Learn to manipulate these energies for it will pay off in the end. Napoleon Hill also talks about how men of success have learned to redirect their sexual drive into other accomplishments. Look into the book Think and Grow Rich 10th step - The Mystery of Sex Transmutation.

Check out some of Mantak Chia’s work as well on Tao Sexual Alchemy.
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[quote=“succupedia, post:11, topic:7352”]I think it depends on your path, the purpose of your path and what kind of entities you’re working with.

Sexual entities, like “succubus” or “incubus” is pretty given, but there’s other kind of intimate spirits out there, too. There’s a time when the sexual aspect is pretty extensive, which usually is in the beginning. But over time, it becomes pretty much spontaneous and sometimes these spirits doesn’t have interest in sexual activities at all.

Sex magic have much in common with blood magic, because both can be used as a sacrificial of a life and a death force. Blood is considered as a gift of life or death, just as sperm. A pretty powerful gift for a spirit, right?

But like any addiction out there, the main purpose gets lost somewhere on the line. A supposed “gift”, or as a part of strengthen an ability gets pretty useless when egoistic behavior is taking the charge.

Masturbation as a practicing magician can be bad if there’s no result in doing it. If there’s no result, then maybe he have to try something else?[/quote]

Just a guess, but this may be the reason as to why some say virgin blood is a more potent offering. The sexual life giving energy is more concentrated in the blood.

That depends on the purpose, as I see it, more than if it’s blood or semen. The potency lies within your intent, not whether it’s blood, semen or other form of offerings from your own body.

But sure, there are spirits and entities that prefer certain offerings and work better with it. But both these forms of offerings have a similar functionality to it, but a female offering of menstrual blood is pretty potent and there are a few forum members that used this kind of offering with great success.

My apologies for getting downright nasty with this but I have heard this before and wondered if it was true. Do people in certain countries, more tribal oriented areas I believe, offer feces and urine to spirits or use these in their spells? I read an extensive article one time that said some black magicians, possibly those working with Vodoun or Santeria, will use these bodily fluids in addition to semen and blood. Is that true?

[quote=“RavensAscent, post:17, topic:7352”]My apologies for getting downright nasty with this but I have heard this before and wondered if it was true. Do people in certain countries, more tribal oriented areas I believe, offer feces and urine to spirits or use these in their spells? I read an extensive article one time that said some black magicians, possibly those working with Vodoun or Santeria, will use these bodily fluids in addition to semen and blood. Is that true?[/quote]Yep.

I usually do it to break up the usual misery in my life. I think it hurts my magick.

The point of magick is to end misery (we can leave that for the religious people, it makes them feel fulfilled and they write endless books rationalising it) - so if it’s keeping you stuck, then that’s a prison you need to break out of.