Easy way to go in a trance state?

Does anyone know of one?


Stare at a mono-colored screen.

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This helps me

I typically start by listening to ritualistic music, like Paleowolf.

I start off with something like this and then reduce my visual stimulation. It’s not uncommon for me to loop this in the background well before I go to my ritual area, to start the process. By the time I step into my ritual space, I’ve prepped for a while and easily go into trance. It’s not the fastest and maybe not the most efficient. but it is easy.


In EA’s course “Mastering Evocation” there is a very well designed process that works for achieving a very deep level of trance, that is designed to transport you to the crossroads, where you can achieve full evocation. I’m not shilling for EA, I just started out using this method and it works very well for me.


Sometimes I achieved a trance by trying telekinesis or visualizing a desired situation. In fact such a state may be entered by gazing at an entity’s sigil or repeating its calling etc, so almost automatically; but naturally it’s possible and probably advisable to also trying “simply” to enter trance, for a training purpose.

The easiest way to get into trance is through a simple count down, like in my trancework tutorial that I posted to the forum.

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