I too am looking forward to the evocation course! I can understand anyone’s weighing costs ($300). I know just for me, I always look at the bottom line & what I call complete value. When I was an EVP of Sales & Business Development (title of bullllllshiiiiiitttttt for what i put up with) for a small tech firm in Pennsylvania, I would often look at the dollar amount, my personal time/company time learning curve regarding new info, the cost of maintaining new product over let’s say the next year, any subsequent investment of time & money etc., and materials. Yes, an exhaustive process
With that being verbally vomited…lol, I also feel that although I have a love affair for the written word and small batch limited edition Sacred Texts, video series on such Arts are very much needed. Again, even if I were to purchase let’s say 5-6 well received books on divination, I’m still looking at $150 - $200 just in books alone. Then we must figure in the most valued commodity…TIME! So far, I’m doing more with divination than I ever had. Interestingly a couple of years ago I was involved with a pretty prominent Tarot reader & occult bookstore owner in western Pennsylvania. I was literally sleeping with a source that had been working with the cards for 25yrs! It’s not that she wasn’t willing to teach me about the Tarot, but like most she suggest some books, then some of this and then some of that. I get it, however what I really like about the Koetting course is he pretty much gets right into the material.
For me this is a very effective way to learn. First you jump into freezing cold water, then you adjust, then you can swim and have fun. This method is very common in the way that I was exposed to Wu Style Taiqiquan. As a beginner I was put upfront and told to just watch and follow. You start to ask questions about the forms and how it all works after the fact!
I believe this form of “teaching” empowers people and saved them from laziness as much as possible, because it doesn’t keep them locked-in to just their intellect…i.e., reading books, and then more books, then just becoming another armchair highly educated with very little practical application mage/human/seeker/…fill in the fucking blank.
So BALG Forum…I digress. BTW, no I am not a paid product endorser When something is bangin’ and I spent $300 or $3000 on, I want other people to know. I believe in this forum and I believe in The Path. Frankly, I wish I had resources like these when I was younger…I didn’t. I have a LOT of experience of doing it WRONG for many, many, many years. In some areas I’m still a neophyte and hopefully never lose my enthusiasm of “beginner’s mind”, and in some areas I’m very advanced.
With that being said, I’m doing what I can NOW for people that I can influence and hopefully save them a shite ton of money and time. My experience has taught me that if I’m living my life this way, when there are times that I’m in doubt or not knowing which way to go, Providence tends to smile upon me. Please let me be clear on this point - I’m not saying if one lives “good” then one gets “good” in their lives…these are labels and labels come with certain convictions attached. I feel that this way of living is just in good taste for me, and as I’ve stated before very few things can one do alone, it is better to build alliances.
Be Well!!!