Dukante sigils

Today I read on another topic, a few posts about the goetic sigils, and the use of them. I saw a few very good points, comparing use of these old sigils to prison bars and torture devices. I’m a bit sad to admit that though of course I understood the goetia comes from a Christian perspective, I never really thought about it like that. So far, I’ve been working with goetic spirit sigils, and while my intent was not one of restraining a spirit, or trying to scare or intimidate it, I still find myself suddenly completely put off the idea of using them. I know it’s just plain foolish to out myself in the way of a now pissed off demon, but beyond that, I was just taken aback by my own realization of how it just seems almost like bullying for little reason.

I would like to learn and use Dukante sigils. If anyone has any links for those they would be most helpful. Of course then there is also the idea of just making new ones, or eventually suing the ones given to me by the spirits themselves. But in the meantime of course I need somewhere to start over from.

Don’t be sad, you are right on the money. The Goetia is not a Christian Magic, its origins are pre-Greece.

The Goet (Person who practiced this art) would speak incantations multiple times in order to both go into a trance and draw the spirit near. There is good evidence that they never used a seal or sigil of any sort.

That being said using a seal that you are more comfortable with that has been used to contact the spirit in the past, either by self or others can only help. (Sorry I don’t have a link to Dukante’s sigils…I am just long winded.)

Here you go.

And just in case you don’t have Adobe Reader to open PDFs, it’s free, and it’s here:


Thanks for the link. I’m going to try and see how that works for me and if I get a better feeling about it over the weekend.

Lol Orismen, not long winded at all. It was interesting information.

Many LHP mages make use of Goetic sigils, and Spirits respond just fine. I think it’s threats and harsh conjurations they’d have a problem with. As for Dukante’s sigils, most Goetics don’t have one.

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Someone said here that Belial responds better to Dukante sigil and it is also true in my experience. At the same time Astaroth, in my case responds a lot better to Goetic sigil. Probably it’s a combination of how much a spirit likes certain sigil and how well does your mind responds to it. When working with Belial, I’ve stopped using his sigil altogether and now I use only his enn and the effect is the same.

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I’ve had the same experience as far the sigils go with Astaroth and Belial. On top of that, I think once you have worked enough with a certain demon, you can just use their enn (or name for that matter) and have success. Those of you that have not tried working with Demonic enns, vibrate them when you try them. You will feel your whole body change as you do it.

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I have not yet tried to work with enns at all. This is however something I do want to do since I’ve heard of so many interesting experinces and successes with it.

For me i noticed that every time I went into my sanctum, the goetic sigil would be hanging crooked, always with the top pushpin out of the wall. Always with an air of irritation, I finally removed them, and have only the dukante, and never have had the feelings or the crooked sigil. Never considered the issue until I brought it up, then it all made sence. I also use what I think is EA’s sigil, with no problems… my ultimate goal is have ‘Our Own’, sigil between us.


[quote=“chef1964, post:3, topic:5274”]Here you go.

And just in case you don’t have Adobe Reader to open PDFs, it’s free, and it’s here:


From the earliest of my beginning to work, i was lucky enough to have both the Goetic sigils and the Dukante immediately at my fingertips. HOWEVER; i soon found after one ‘sign’ after another, that at least Belial hates the goetic sigils, and very much loves the Dukante. I love Belial- my life woould suck alot worse without him, but now when I see a goetic sigil- without a Dukante counterpart- I cringe and say— ugh, hope someone comes up with a non goetic sigil for XXX so I can be lazy and not have to get my own---------- which is actually something that everyone should accomplish with whoever they are working with, and unless I am told that xx sigil is just between me and xx- I will happily publish them here as soon as I get them.


Nice to see you around here again.