Duchess Bune

Last night I did a small petition ritual for some financial matter to Duchess Bune.

Offered as a token of appreciation for attending a chocolate cookie covered with butter, glass of water, a cigarette, a piece of round chocolate, one green candle and sandalwood incense.

Today I woke up and I was doing the dishes in the kitchen and noticed a white cup (which belongs to my roommate and I have seen it before) and it’s what was written on the white cup - LOVE ORANGE and I read it as I LOVE ORANGE.

Would this be a sign from Duchess Bune? Her favourite color and fruit is Orange, did my research on it.


in short, yes. Spirits can communicate in a lot of ways. If your intuition is telling you its a msg from Bune, then take it and offer it. When you offer it you may also confirm. Thats one of the steps into developing your senses


Thank you.

My senses are still not fully developed. So asking for confirmation would also be another sign.

I did say it out loud that once my request manifests I’ll offer oranges. But then I realised it’s within my means hence didn’t delay and got 6-7 oranges which I’ll offer in the next few days. I just hope I don’t get headaches everyday coz usually I do if I’m not used to the energy of the spirit.

I get mild headache and pressure every time lol. No biggie tho.


Hahaha, that’s awesome dude!

It’s pretty well established that Bune is fond of Oranges (and the color :orange_heart:).


I think each color with Bune is very symbolic and has to do with each person and where they are at.


What would orange signify?

I don’t really read into colors myself, but you may find this useful:

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I would take this is as a sign for sure.

The most important part of this is how did it make YOU feel? Did it make you skip a beat when you saw it. Was the first thought that came to you say that it was Duchess Bune?

Signs and synchronicities are tailored to the receiver. Whatmay not sound like a sign to anyone else, can definitely be one for you.

So even though I think this is a sure shit sign. YOU decide if it was. The first thing that comes to mind is almost always what it is.


I didn’t feel much.

I just saw and read it as I LOVE ORANGE but later I saw its LOVE ORANGE. So I read it wrong but the first thought in my head was Duchess Bune wants Orange. And I immediately said OK ILL GIVE YOU ORANGE WHEN MY REQUEST MANIFESTS.

But I already got them coz it’s within my means. I’ll give her for the next couple of days.

Attaching pic below

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