Drunk Harry's Shack

I’ve said it here previously; I was adopted. I’m starting to learn about some of my biological relatives.

And some of them were monsters.

One thing runs strongly in my family: Religious mania. I know, most people call it “piety” and consider it a highly positive trait, something to be desired. But some my own family members got people killed (a long time ago), while also having been persecuted themselves.

I have a strong tendency to not do things halfway. This was especially true in my youth. If I joined a group, I joined it. Which led to a number of really weird and intense religious encounters, and sometimes engaging in the dangerous delusion that I was right.

I don’t like dull experiences. I want things to be intense. But there’s a point when I’ve got to turn my back on beliefs that cause harm. Still, I do retain a certain amount of belief. I seem to be more “programmed” for belief than most.

People in my family disowned their children, gave them away, abandoned their spouses and more, all in the name of religion. Some, however, were benign, and managed to escape the more extreme aspects of belief. They were believers, but also did kind deeds as a result of those beliefs.

I’ve been reading about appealing to one’s ancestors, and for better or worse, I wouldn’t be here without them. But I’m not sure about appealing to that kind of energy. The religious squabbling goes back as far as I can trace it.

All this is to say that I feel pulled toward extremes sometimes, including extremes of belief. But I don’t know what to say (or do) about those who were harmed by my family. They’re dead, but I feel as though I owe them apologies.

My family was both damaged, and did damage, because of belief. I’d prefer not to perpetuate the cycle.


I recently posted on someone else’s thread about speaking in tongues. Glossolalia.

It’s the Christian season of Pentecost. Expect glossolalia to happen at a church near you.

But, as I said earlier on this site, I also know non-Christians who do it, including ceremonial magicians.

Look, I like rituals. I’m involved in several highly ritualized organizations. However, once the ritual is learnt, breaking out of it can be fairly amazing.

I value spontaneity.

Learn the ritual; then do it in your head on a Greyhound bus. Doesn’t matter what kind of ritual it is. If you know it, you know it.

People are quick to dismiss “ignorant” people for letting go of staid, normal rituals and going into ecstatic states, but to me, that’s where some of the real learning is.

I found this out from observing various church rituals in my mid-teens. I’d never seen the likes of it. It scared me, initially. But I came to respect the ability to commune with God (or whatever you’d like to call it) physically, verbally, outside of the confines of normalcy.

Sure, I’m about stability, decorum and adherence to ritual - to a point. And there’s the point after that, when there’s a call to go beyond, to transcend it all.


Thought I’d finally died, did you? I’m still here. More or less.

I’m still learning, still a newbie after all these years. These old eyes can still be forced open sometimes.

I was on the road for a while. Saw a great many things, ranging from the frivolous to the fantastic.

Saw some religious devotees who were so devout that it made me almost hide my head in shame for my lack of belief and devotion to…much of anything.

Also learned about some friends caught up in destructive cults. Yeah, look, if you come at me saying that you’re speaking for God, gods, goddesses, angels, demons or anything else, I’ll want to see some receipts.

If you’re bilking people out of their money, making people feel like crap, telling children they’re possessed because they act weird sometimes, or are otherwise an exploitative, useless jackass, get away from me. Nah, really, I mean it. Get away from me before I do something silly like smashing in all your teeth.

I’m learning rites and rituals, but am also learning ways of seeing around them. Does that make sense to anyone but me? Probably not. The bottom line is that I’m learning. I’m teachable. Sometimes, it takes a few days (or a few decades) for me to get the lesson, but I’m trying every day to improve myself and increase my knowledge.


I almost deleted the above, due to violent language. But I’ll let it stand, at least for now. Generally, I don’t like to promote violence; still, when people manipulate children, the elderly, and anyone else for spiritual purposes, I tend to react strongly. This is because it happened to me personally.

If you have a worthwhile belief or path, you need not force others into it. In fact, doing so makes it less special. If it’s that wonderful, people will be naturally interested in it.

Belief, rituals, spiritual practices, or anything within or beyond those realms, must be left for individuals to choose. And I know it sounds radical, but by “individuals,” I also mean children.


I had an odd experience. That’s not uncommon in magick, or even within mainstream religion. It’s often all about odd experiences. That’s what separates it from the mundane.

This time, it was about an inanimate object, a figurine. A sacred one, if you believe in that sort of thing. It’s the type of item that would normally be kept upon an altar.

And it spoke to me.

Please don’t summon the doctor. I’m not schizophrenic. I didn’t hear actual voices, but rather, an internal sense that the object didn’t want to be where it was. I moved it. The internal dialogue ceased.

I don’t know what to make of it, but I do often listen to strange urges. I also have a strong animist streak. If something doesn’t want to be in a certain place, maybe it’s not beyond my capacity to move it elsewhere.

I don’t always want to be where I am. If I can help a person, animal or thing move to someplace it likes better, and that move is within my capacity, why shouldn’t I move it? Why should I withhold aid?

So, I moved the object.

Were you going to tell me I’m nuts? Sweetheart, I already know.

Making a brief edit to say that I understand the difference between an object and the entities and concepts which it represents. I’m not 100% insane, only 99%.


You know…it sounds like your chakras are too open, you should consider closing them…

What say you?

Thanks for the input! I don’t actually know too much about chakras, to be honest. I did have someone work on them years ago, but that was a very long time ago. Someone once said I had problems with the root chakra. Maybe I’m too open, in all realms. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


You should eat pork…
Works wonders in closing them…

Was in your situation a couple of months ago… A Living Torment…

Thanks for the input. I’ve been vegetarian for a long time, but due to being in a somewhat remote area, and also having been on the road a lot recently, I’ve “sinned” with meat somewhat lately. I have a pendulum; someone once asked to work on me with my own pendulum, and said my root chakra is messed up. I gave them the pendulum; I have another. I’m weird about people handling my magical stuff. Anyway, I’m sure my chakras are quite a mess.


What do you have to lose?

It seems like the spirits are raping you…
I felt the same…

They have no mercy…

They just want to feed on your Energy…

This may be so. However, despite my complaints, I’m fairly happy. I live in a beautiful area with mountains and streams. I’m poor as a rat, but I do have (I think) a fair amount of joy. What do I have to lose? Nothing much, at least in most areas. Money? Need it. Youth? Had it, and squandered it. But my old age isn’t without its learning and laughter. Mostly laughter, and mostly at myself. I’m one of the most ridiculous of all creatures.


So you’re basically jesus…

He was you know, a sucker,
But please carry along…

Well, actually, I’m not anything like Jesus, in any way. Hope to not give the impression that I am. I’m not like any of the holy ones. I’m a person, trying to make the best of life that I can. But, heaven help me, I do enjoy life…most of the time. I hope that I haven’t offended. That’s not my intent. I’d rather entertain than offend.


Weird situation brewing. Some people I care about are at war, or at least a war of words. These people telling each other to piss off. It’s a shocking development for me, personally.

I can’t even tell you how much I despise conflict. I’ll cross the street, or leave the state, to avoid drama and conflict.

I have some limited magical solutions to temporarily ease this, at least in my own mind, but still, I never thought I’d see this day come. These are people I’ve known for ages.

What’s intriguing (and scary) to me is that these aren’t brash youth acting out; these are senior citizens. You might laugh at the idea of old folks fighting, but don’t. All those years of experience can make a person seriously mean, if they allow it.

If you think someone’s bonded to you for life, let some more of your life roll by, and you might find out they’re not.

Anyway, I need to go drink a bottle of whiskey, do a small ritual, and meditate on peace.

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For me, raising sufficient energy for “darker” rituals (to make people get away from me, and so forth) is easier than doing gentle, peaceful rites sometimes.

It’s harder to bring people together than to separate them. It’s harder to make peace than war. At least for me.

It’s also tough for me to escape people I may have admired in the past, but who are now just bringing me down. I don’t even like to say that about certain people, but it’s true. They’re dragging me down.

I like to remain peaceful with all people, but some have been revealing themselves for what they really are, and I’ve had it. They think I’m the dark one, but they’re engaging in such unethical behavior that it appalls me, and believe me, I’m not easily shocked.

It’s the weirdest thing. This year, in particular, people are removing their masks and showing the festering, rotten ooze behind what I once thought were friendly faces.

I’m seeing through them. But perhaps they’re seeing through me, too.

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I’ve been trying to take a different approach to various rituals. In short, I’m working on the assumption (at least in terms of long-established rites, rituals and practices) that everything’s there for a reason - every movement, every statement.

It may not be there for any reason at all, but I’m doing this as a mental exercise. If a ritual has been practiced for a very long time, someone didn’t make it up for kicks. There’s a reason for every bit of it. So I try to do it and understand why the rite was ever devised in the first place. It’s just a way of thinking about things.

What was the original intention?

When I’m invited to participate in rituals outside my own normal experience, it sometimes helps to proceed “as if.” As if I really believe this, and this is my reality. And it is my reality in that given moment. I don’t have to convert. I don’t have to adopt a whole new belief system beyond that moment. But if I’m given a chance to do something that’s about to blow my mind, I don’t mind a momentary suspension of disbelief.

One question I haven’t asked myself half often enough: Why am I doing this?


@Hypnos wishing you all the best with this endeavour!!

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I made a post last night in which I was extremely unsure of myself. I was filled with doubts of all kinds. It happens. Still, after such a mood passes, I can often regain self-assurance, and return to whatever I desire to achieve, whether magickal or mundane.

Someone I know, a devout Christian (and a nice person) is close to passing away. I hope that if she goes, she’s received into the heaven she’s always believed in. Although I differ very much from this person in terms of belief, I don’t wish harm upon those who hold different beliefs.

I was thinking about some of the saddest funerals I’ve ever attended. It’s not necessarily a bad spiritual meditation. On the other hand, it’s not something I want to dwell upon, either.


So, I watched a TV program about a triple homicide within a well-known,cult, one that some of my friends embrace.

And, of course, they blamed an innocent woman and her small children for the murders She wasn’t obeying her husband, and therefore, wasn’t obeying God.

I grew up with this sort of thing.


I’m saying “no” to all of this. Religious control, misogyny, the concept of children as mere property, all of it.

This has so many consequences within my own life. Still, it’s “no” to men. Always. A man’s spirituality doesn’t trump that of others.

I proclaim freedom from men, women, and anyone, anywhere, who claims to be the “voice of God.”


I’m undergoing a ritual within one of the groups to which I belong. I’ve been accepted to take the Next Step. And I will.

Secular or spiritual, the next step can be exciting. But it’s also scary, because further advancement means further responsibilities.

It’s never totally free–initiations and rituals, I mean. There’s some part of you that will never be the same, and rising within the ranks involves more expectations. More involvement, and more expenditure of energy.

And don’t get me started on taking oaths. I’ve taken oaths to keep various information secret. Within certain groups, you don’t advance too far without oaths and rituals.

I was initiated into a group when I was a teenager. I took an oath not to reveal their secrets. And I haven’t, probably because I’m some kind of weirdo.

Seriously, nobody cares about the “secret” information I’m holding, except me. I care.