Druid figures?

Continuing the discussion from Chat Thread:


This is going to sound a bit random, its not actual druids its from hercules the legendary journeys the tv show the tick tock thing was used to make him slow his heart rate and breathing rate down while in water the other thing i’m not sure on lol. I thought it might be useful due to the slowing of the heart rate and breathing maybe for something magickal.

Its possible. But there is also chanting and those other things. Idk exactly what they are called.
They are always cloaked in brown or black.

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@Eye_of_Ra is its a triangle shapped harp?

Let me see if i can find a picture


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Probably crossover from the roman period, but it would have been used for the ceremonial purposes.

It also said it was an egyptian instrument.

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Since it’s a percussion instrument and chanting, I would read it as having some hint about brain wave states.

I listen to shamanic drum music sometimes to help me go into a deep trance state for soul travel.

And I know that chanting in certain rhythms helps me enter trance states and let go of my conscious mind easier.

Something to consider.


maybe its a call to shamamism