Dreams about death, call to Necromancy

That would make a lot of sense because ever since this whole thing started I’ve found it pretty hard to feel anything, besides this past week. This week has been pretty emotional for other reasons.

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I think this is a step in your ascension process & an invitation to to explore the human dead. I had a similar experience many years ago & until I embraced it I was ‘hammered’ by it, like you are now. I still work with the human dead world &, as a LHP practitioner, it was not really a choice I would had made myself but that is the process of LHP workings, it’s not always up to you what path you follow. My advice is to explore this & use your chosen higher deities to assist you. The Ghede Loa are another great source for this sort of path working, they are able to help you navigate your way. I would suggest you would benefit from grounding this & working it into your life. if the dead are wanting your attention just walk the path.I found it to be a very interesting experience. Good luck with your travels.


That’s exactly what’s been on my mind lately. In fact I’ve been trying to take a break from magick altogether but it seems that Magick does not want to let me take a break at all. I’m so bogged down with work from school. College is making me fat sad and broke lmao. Im hoping things will be better come fall and I’ll have more time for practicing but if I continue to be “hammered” in this way it looks like I’m just gonna have to make time and make another sigil or something for good grades.


Yeah, it sounds like you are being hammered. You should get bossy when dealing with the human dead, I’ve just got back from London where I was living for 5 years, I was ‘hammered’ by the dead there too & even with my experience, I was having my work affected. London is so very haunted!!! Point is, the human dead are like the living, many are pains in the arse, if they want to have any sort of contact with you then tell them to leave you alone until you’re ready. Don’t let them affect you studies. You have something they want, you can ‘hear’ them. take control. And my opinion on magic, you have one foot in the earthly & one foot in he spiritual. It’s complex but if spirit want’s you, it does. I knew a really great practitioner who used to say "we have one foot in the stars & one foot in the shit. do well in your studies :slight_smile:


Wow what a statement lol. I love it.
I’ve always wanted to go to London. Haha somehow that made me want to go even more.
So far I havent had any other deads other than my father visit me. Which I didnt mind him, but I promise you I can get pretty bossy with unwanted guests :joy:

Thank you I’m certainly trying.


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That’s what I was thinking


That’s very… Hekatean.


Yea it was a lot like this one

Though it didnt have a pentagram and it was one trident with one crescent going across it.
The image I saw was pretty detailed. I just wish I could remember it all.


Sounds like you need to have a talk.


Mhm. I’m just gonna have to make time somewhere.


Strict as a nun


Eh? Does she have expectations? Yeah. Is she controlling or overbearing? No.


True, just in my personal experiance accountability is huge, she’ll help as much as she’ll leave you to figure things out on your own. She doesn’t put up with bullshit. Then again it’s likely because I’m hard headed at times. Hecate is great, just zero tolerance for bullshit, the lies one tells oneself she’ll check you on, kinda like Belial in some regards I suppose.


Yea honestly when first contacting a being I try to read the bare minimum about them, just the basics so that I know the experience I have is authentic and not based on preconceived notions.


Sounds good!


Absolutely. She approves of honesty. 100% correct.


My advice to you, would be to stay away from necromancy unless you’ve lost someone. Not trying to discourage you at all but the connection to Death is weaker and it’s harder to understand Death energy without going through grief and mourning. If you have already lost someone dear, then the connection is already there and connecting to your dead loved ones would be an excellent first step along with finding a spirit who can teach you about necromancy and establishing a relationship.


So if my father had not passed away then I should not be doing necromancy. ?
I feel like that doesn’t make sense…
So if someone hasn’t already mourned over someone who’s died they cant practice necromancy.

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It’s not a cant situation. I’m not saying that at all. It’s just advice from my own experiences.

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