Dream spirits?

So I was just wondering if there are any spirits that specialize in being able to enter your dreams and or make you dream of specific things and remember it after waking up.

Like can I just, in my mind, ask a spirit to enter my dreams and help me remember them?

Also as a somewhat unrelated, is it possible to communicate or contact a spirit just by holding said spirit in your mind with the intention of them noticing?

I think I read somewhere that repeating the name of a spirit like a mantra can work like an invocation method so that is why I was wondering about that.

Thanks in advance for any response to this.

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Maybe some spirit who can help like that is Archangel Asariel, Angel Ublisi, Demon Andrealphus.

Archangel Asariel can help all problem or stuff about dream.

In angel of omnipotence by jareth tempest theres is glyph to remember dream through Ublisi energy.

Andrealphus have power to lucid dream so i think he is can help with that.

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I began with the meditation recommended on this post about 10 days ago, An Old Man's Advice on Third Eye Development, I began to dream every night and also began to remember this dreams. You could try it.

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Cool. Imma check that out.

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