Dream rituals

Hello guys, i have one question.
Can a person summon any entities on our dreams?? Like performing a ritual while sleeping.
Im not good at english so please if i say something wrong please forgive me

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The dream world is a very powerful place to do magick. Honestly I don’t see why you couldn’t evoke an entity while being lucid within a dream. But also there’s the risk of having imposters. If you were to do that I would say take proper precautions and make sure it is the right entity


Yeah do i need to perform like a real ritual in dream

I would say most likely not. If you have the sigil of the entity in your mind you could simply think of the entity and ask them to visit you in the dream world. I would say contact would be easier for them since you are already in a different state of consciousness. A ritual wouldn’t be necessary


Yeah​:grin::grin: i tried alot but it doesn’t work

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Have you tried evoking In the physical world?

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Yeah… Somethimes i success and sometimes not

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