Dream? Or psychic attack?

I had a extrange experience in the night some days ago that I want to share with you:

I was falling asleep and in my head appeared a vision of my walking in the street an another person walking in the stress across me. We where going in the same direction. I remember that I saw a tendril coming to me from the other person and started sucking my energy and I started to feel suffocated.

Applying the Vampyric teachings I have, I used the same tendril he used to suck his own energy and I also used others of my own. I remember that the name “Benito Martinez” appreared in my head when I managed to open my eyes.

I noticed that a was in a paralyzed state and in that state I saw a shadow of something like a spider on the roof which moved for a while and then disapeared. My body was paralyzed and it started shaking like if I was about to astral travel but I really didn’t feel like doing so, so I fighted with the paralyzed state until I broke free. I remember that I had a lot on energy (since I used Psychic Vampyrism) and that I shouted the name “Azazel” in my head to break free from the state.

Any thoughts?


A sense of being attacked by another with a tendral sapping your life forces indicates your desire to change and fight back.

Many dreams in which conflict takes place can represent many things such as feeling attacked or threatened by ones own impulses such as anger or your inner turmoil can lead to conflict or attacked by other people and their attitude to you or their remarks.

Attacked by shadowy spider is you overcoming your fears. This might be childhhod trauma the attack is depicting our memories and concerns surrounding those past issues. How we meet such an attack is important. Better to explore it or change it. Your breaking free of paralysis and shouting your patron deitys name means overcoming your fears with increased energy you are putting increased effort into solving your problems and succeeding.

There’s a huge thread on decoding your dreams, have a look at some point as there might be useful info regarding dream interupatation:


It could be both. A dream and an attack. Or it could be misinterpreted as an attack.

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Very true. The subconscious mind however has a way of interupting stress and can use symbols to identify problems or fears similar to what a spirit might be sending as a vision in answer to requests for information, answering to resolve issues.

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True. A common psychic attack also utilizes weaknesses, fears and different forms of stress to essentially cause a nervous system overload. So if said individual has a fear of spiders…then id just simply send a massive amount of energy in the form of spiders.


Interesting I noticed a name Benito Martinez when the OP opened his eyes and countered in his vision, could that be the sender of the vision? Will a deity usually give a clue as to who sent the physic vision or attack?

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Thank you very the thread. Since dreams play an important role in my life I’ll explore the thread with great interest.

There could be some truth in the sense of overcoming fears, anger, inner turmoil and such emotions because I’ve been experiencing those emotions lately and many times I thought in quitting the places that create those emotions but I decide to endure because it is necessary for a bigger project that I know that will bring me a lot of happiness in the end

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I thought the same, that Benito was the name of the attacker, but then I considered that my mind confused the name Benito with Bernardo, which was a very close friend in my youth and teenager years whom I had a problem that destroyed our friendship at the end.

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Sounds like we have a motive. Does Bernardo practice witchcraft or sorcery?

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Oh! I haven’t talked to him since highschool and he wasn’t interested in witchcraft or sorcery at the time unless he has recently started with such practices.
He might have a motive, but I highly doubt it.

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