Dream Interpretation

Last night I had a dream I was at the beach with my roommate. And i decided to head into the water… I was swimming around in the ocean, I live in the tropics so it was a white sandy beach with clear water. I see a baby shark swim by and then it comes back and bumps me. Then this giant mofo shark :shark: comes out of nowhere and slams into me, I instantly i squeeze it’s nose as tight as I can and it freaks out and backs up, I draw my dive knife and put it through its eye when it comes around again. It slams into me again and this time flips me over, I grab ahold of its dorsal fin and the thing bugs out and starts swimming away upside down before spazzing out and drowning.

When I got back to the shore with its dorsal fin in hand. I realized my arm was bleeding but otherwise okay and in good spirits. During the attack, I wasn’t afraid just hyper focused on getting away.

Anyone wanna take a stab at this?

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The sharks you are fighting off indicates feelings of anger at many around you in your environment and that you are trying to fight off these people.

Sharks can be a symbol of fear and death.
A shark signifies power, aggressiveness, you feeling threatened or vulnerable and having to fight your way out.


I did do a curse recently on my ex, it might mean that I need to reach out tonight under the eclipse and fucking annihilate this once and for all.

Other than that I have no real enemies in my life or no one else that poses a threat I can’t handle.

It was funny though, when I woke up I was like “I just killed a shark, fuckin dope.” :rofl:


Ruthless! The emotional turmoil of a former relationship can bring out the shark in all of us. The eclipse might enhance the power of the casting.


Oh yeah, this person is total garbage - mentally unstable, made a few threats that resulted in legal action. :man_shrugging:t2:

But whatever, it’ll be over soon. Lilith even approached me to help cast this a few days ago - had never worked with her before.

Good to know about the shark though. Like I said, I wasn’t afraid at all. If anything, it was an adrenaline rush.

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Sounds like your glad she’s out of your life as she is unscrupulous and greedy as well as crazy.

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Maybe the shark was dreaming about you. The universe is conscious lol


Well, it’s a he. But yeah, no I’m glad this person will be out of my life soon.

@Timpler Hahahaha maybe.


Just completed it. The wax itself caught fire. @Timpler, @lawclerk… this was some of the most intense work I’ve ever done.

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Wow nice work.

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Thank you! I’m satisfied with it.

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I’m sure you have your answer cause yes most dreams like this represent us fighting our anger or past self or even some one in the past that has done harm to us…you concurred the shark in your dream which means you will over come this situation problem or obstacles that your fighting…

I hope this helps

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Thank you so much!!! I feel like that fits with what’s been happening!

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I’m very happy to hear that and very exstatic to help :smile:

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Hey guys,

Just stepped out of the shower. During that shower I was meditating on the spell I had done earlier in the week… shortly after I finished up and was removing my towel from over the curtain a spider fell out and proceeded to chase me around the bath tub until we were both on the opposite sides watching each other. This is the first spider I’ve seen in my bathroom since I moved here two months ago, and I’m in the tropics. It just seems like the timing is suspect.

Any experience with spiders? How about their symbolism as an omen?

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It’s a symble of new life change don’t kill it I’d catch it and set it free just be careful I had a dramatic change after my first run in with a huge daddy long legs never teaching any more kids the itsy bitsy spider song again…

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You were right, I just got word that evil fuck moved!!!

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:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:that makes me so happy to hear I’m so glad to help

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I literally just got word an hour ago! IM SO THRILLED!!! Thank you all so much @bunny4cam, @Timpler, @lawclerk!

Seriously! You guys rock!


Any time p.m me if you need me I’m always glad to help

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