Dream control- how to appear in someone else's dream

@DarkestKnight I see you are replying already but would greater control over Astral travel help?

It really just comes down to your own personal moral code.

If you want to use your power to force yourself on someone, do it. However, you must be willing to deal with the consequences of such action, and it seems that the person you targeted has his own power, which is why you are being bound whenever you try to make contact because he obviously does not share your feelings.

If you simply want to ā€œfind someone,ā€ it would be an easy thing to send your energy out to bring someone to you, without targeting anyone specific. Having feelings for someone does not automatically mean that the other person has to feel the same, and if he is defending himself in the manner that you have described, then it seems he does not.

If you are stronger than him, then you can eventually overcome him, but when his will reasserts itself, he will hate you for it.

No. You would still be in the same situation.

Well it is certainly a moral crisis for me.

It seems to get really grey and blury.

I have been attracting shit men for 10 years +
This is the only one I really, really felt like there was feelings for.
It is more than just heart break, it feels to have him hurt and not in my life is this terrible wrong that I canā€™t explain, that I like him and need him in ways I donā€™t understand and canā€™t explain.

In a previous post I was talking about stimulants and magick.

It isnā€™t great for trance work and stuff like that but as a tantric means of sending out a signal for what you want it is supposed to be really good, especially if you hold your orgasm and use your tantric energy to call out.

I wanted someone from my past, I went through names of guys until I found his, I teared up and said but I donā€™t know anyone by that name.

I think I may have asked for everything I wanted too.

I met him a week or 2 later, even said he thought he knew my from this high school, this high school that I thought maybe from there, there was someone from my past I forgot. It turns out he didnā€™t go the same year and I found a yearbook of the year he said and it looks like he may not have gone at all.

I started getting past life memories but recently I remembered a guy that lived near me with that name, back when I was very little and going through very weird dreams, trans states, and other weird parnomalish stuff. I feel I need him, I feel I need to understand. I feel this is what my life is about but I am being told to forget it.

I canā€™t sleep unless I feel love. I think of some imaginary being, which I believe now is creating thought forums that keep me single, I and or do think of the guy that I like, which I did with him, then he binded me from sleep and blamed it on my A.D.D pills.

I had no idea I did anything to violate him.

Okay I could leaveā€¦ sort ofā€¦ I canā€™t stop thinking of him, and sometimes I get energetic hit just from thinking of him or sending him love.

I donā€™t want to hurt him, but apart of me would rather, would rather hurt him, then risk hurting someone else by not being able to do this much different. By not asking for what I want and sending the tantra I get shit less than 1% of what this guy was to me. No he is not perfect but no one is, he is the kind of guy I want to work out anything with. Sucks so bad if he feel violated or raped over what I thought was just a cuddle fantasyā€¦ maybe a bit of an oral pleasure giving fantasy too.

It is hard I feel this could use a break on one hand but romantic love in general now feels really dirty. If I have feelings for someone am I hurting them? If I masturbate to someone is that rape and sexual abuse on the astral? Do I just sit back and wait and accept the first pervert willing to astral rape me?

I am so confused.

Is all love just this evil?

If I send for someone else, I donā€™t know what to ask for, I want him with out the problems, most of which we should be able to work outā€¦ though this accidental dream entering/rape is a tough one.

I have dealt with the consequences, I got anal rapped by a demon. I had sick nightmares waking up in both fear and horniess, I almost got possed by a demon that was super fucking perverted. I got attacked by Angels, he telepathed he might try to kill me sometime.

It is still better than the flaming pile of dog shit that is other guys.

I want someone with powers now, for sure.

I am confused where do I draw the line with this power?

maybe I should let him go.

My horoscope for this month says, get moving on this project, donā€™t take no from anyone and not even yourself. by the end of the month if there is something left for you to do to save your relationship you want now is the time. What more can I do?

Sorry to ramble on, this means everything to me.
And thank you for your responses.

Yo this is off topic you would get more help if you posted this as a separate thread