Drawing blood

Hey lovelies,

Just wanted to ask where the best place to draw blood from is? What are your preferences?

If it can be avoided, I’d like to try and not cut my fingers or hands, due to working with them.

Either way, lemme know what y’all do.


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best way is to use a blood glucose device on the side of the thumb. You dont need to use much blood for rituals if you want it as an offering


Yea I’d like to know as well.
It’s a lot harder to draw blood in the hands then you might think.

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Elbow works best for me, for amounts larger than a drop or two.

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I unfortunately only got razor blades lol

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My Infernal brethren won’t let anything other than daggers or athames penetrate my skin…

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you should consider getting lancets. They are cheap and far less damaging to your skin…and less painful too


Not sure who exactly said this, but I’m pretty sure it was Azazel
No pain, No game


Lancets for testing blood are pretty cheap and sold in most pharmacies. I sometimes use ones designed to draw blood for cupping as they generally make a larger cut and I buy them for my business


Being a female helps a lot :smirk: otherwise, I go for my thigh with a hypodermic needle. If you’re not afraid of cutting your face, you can cut your brow ridge open


This makes sense when the pain is part of the sacrifice, but not when for example painting the runes which is more about the blood itself containing power and vitality


Poke with a lancelet they use for gluco meters… sharp, painless but it is enough blood, if you do not get enough from a finger just poke your forearm you get a bit more.


Ah…, I see thanks for the heads up.


If you can get a needle, take it from the arms. No muss, no fuss.

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One way to take blood is from the shoulders like I did for a while, until I moved to the hands instead. Don’t use razor blades or a dagger It’ll leave nasty scars. Use a needle sterilized is for the best. If you don’t mind scars then by all means use a blade.

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I use insulin syringes to draw blood directly from my vein. I prefer not to cut myself open, especially my hands cuz I also work with them a lot.

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I use diabetic lancets. I heal really slow and have a child. The LAST thing I need is for some caseworker from my daughter’s school or from my medical situation, seeing my arms or legs all sliced up. They would think i had mental issues and I’d end up with CYS up my ass. The spirits know what we can do and what we can not do.


I use a sharp knife on my wrist, easy and simple. Also, easy to not fuck up if you are good with knives.

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Yeah. That’s a great way to do it. But I’d be locked up in a psych ward within a month if i did that every time i draw blood! I’m not sure how I’d even try to explain my wrists or arms being all sliced up. I’m a terrible liar and i can’t think of an acceptable reason for normies for doing that.

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