Don't know his name

Hi guys, I’m interested in cursing this guy who’s been bullying me for almost 3 years now it’s pathetic. He knows he’s in the wrong, but he obviously doesn’t care. Problem was I don’t know his name, because we just moved in here 3 years back and he lives nearby. I never saw him go out of his house, either.

Can you curse someone whose name you don’t know? Yeah sorry if that’s a stupid question but I wonder if it’s possible. If so, what info do I need from him?

If I’m going to hire somebody to put a hex or a curse for me would I need the bully’s name?

I only encountered this guy once, when I was walking by their store or something. He began calling me names the moment he saw me, and he continued calling me names through the walls of our house like our bathroom and bedroom. I kinda forgot his face either. We just exchanged through the walls, and when I challenged him to go out so I can kick his face he refused. (What a dick)

Can you find out his name from the neighbours? If he’s being a dick to you for no good reason, it’s highly probable he’s annoyed other people at some point, that stuff goes deep with most people and they can’t switch it off.

You could try making a poppet and instead of making it look like him, make it with a huge big open mouth and put a folded piece of paper with one of the names he regularly calls you coming out of the mouth, like a trumpet:

Your gut-feeling/subconscious should link the two, especially if you include anything you remember about his appearance - was he fat or skinny, wearing a specific colour, etc., and if you have no exact image then maybe make his head and body puny except for that offensive great mouth.

Then, stab or otherwise damage the poppet, or if you don’t want to go that far, once you’ve take a good look at it with those words coming out, crumple the paper up, jam it into the poppet’s mouth, and bind it like a gag with string or wire (gagging him with his own words), and then dispose of it using standard black magickal methods - the only limit is your imagination.

I think there were also some good recommendations in this thread:


The ‘freezer spell’ looks cool.

You could also try E.A.'s demonic tongue curse, you really don’t need a ‘name’, as long as you can see their face in your mind, you’re good:


It’s the 3rd one down. (To rouse vengeful destruction)

Try lighting two black candles, staring into them until you achieve some level of trance-state(I really don’t know your skill level, so whatever you can achieve), then begin the chant, picturing your target in misery(I prefer to imagine them burning in hellfire, or with small knives stabbing them for eternity…but hey, it’s your party).

Repeat the chant as many times necessary, focusing all of your rage & anger into it, and picture your target in whatever misery you’d like him in.

When you feel you’ve ‘gotten it all out of your system’, blow out the candles, and try your best to forget about the situation. It should resolve itself.

Gnosis advice is very well pointed.
I need to tell you also, that if you have his picture in your head and you will have this doing magic, don’t worry. Energy and spirits will know for whom to seek… name is not a problem in your case…

good luck

You could also try laying down some nasty cursing powders on his doorstep.

Okay guys, thanks, I’ll try out any of the suggestions you gave me. : )

I was justing going to say the same about the powder. You can do some nasty stuff with powder and graveyard dirt. Can you find him on facebook? get his pictures. I love all these socail media sites. they make our jobs so much easier

This is just a shot in the dark here, but what about finding something in his garbage? Perhaps there’s a beer or alcohol bottle in there you could use as a fetish item?

[quote=“yuki, post:1, topic:3679”]Hi guys, I’m interested in cursing this guy who’s been bullying me for almost 3 years now it’s pathetic. He knows he’s in the wrong, but he obviously doesn’t care. Problem was I don’t know his name, because we just moved in here 3 years back and he lives nearby. I never saw him go out of his house, either.

Can you curse someone whose name you don’t know? Yeah sorry if that’s a stupid question but I wonder if it’s possible. If so, what info do I need from him?

If I’m going to hire somebody to put a hex or a curse for me would I need the bully’s name?[/quote]

new avatar power, p156.the astral bomb’s a simple incantantion to jinx your enemies,without knowing their member here had succes with it…


Hmmm, what do you think would happen if you asked the spirits to hurt those who hurt you.

Course it could backfire big time. Maybe only those who truly deserve it, a angel could help.

If he’s near you, ask for Info.

How you get bullied by someone who doesnt even go out their home? Not dicking, just curious

Here’s the thing. I know you might not believe me, but this guy (actually he’s just a boy, presumably around 14 years old. He actually doesn’t go to school, so he stays at home all day with his siblings. Because of their hard life, they all can’t afford to go to school so they got nothing to do but to stay at home all day.) saw me once walking down the street many years back and from then on he started calling me names, and since I was too sensitive back then I thought he was talking to me, then he continued talking and hurling me insults which I thought were directed at me, and I can hear them through our bathroom walls and our bedroom so every time I hear him saying shit I knew he was talking to me, so we started exchanging insults back and forth even if he doesn’t go out of his house to say them to my face. Honestly this situation has been dragging on for the past 3 years or so, I never had any REAL privacy at home so I can’t do magick and stuff since if I do something ‘private’ at home, he’d know it and he’d tell everybody about it. I actually dared him to go out and face me personally many, many times but he’d just keep quiet and wuss out, and instead will just keep calling me names and not answer the question.

So, basically a retarded redneck. Smack his legs with a baseball bat or something.

Tell him to go fuck his mother. You might also call the social service, it would be actually the easiest route to take. A 14-year kid outta scholl = their patents in jail and him in some institution.

No, it doesn’t work that way. I’m in the Philippines, not the US. And there’s no mandatory social service that should put out-of-school kids in some institution. If you don’t go to school, that’s your problem. It’s up to to go to some government agency to get help or something. And it’s been like this for more than 3 years now, and for those 3 years he never went to school or something, presumably he hasn’t gone to school much longer than that.

No, it doesn’t work that way. I’m in the Philippines, not the US. And there’s no mandatory social service that should put out-of-school kids in some institution. If you don’t go to school, that’s your problem. It’s up to to go to some government agency to get help or something. And it’s been like this for more than 3 years now, and for those 3 years he never went to school or something, presumably he hasn’t gone to school much longer than that.[/quote]

Since you’re both kids, fight him in the street. You kick his ass he’ll back down.

(suggestion) if you can’t do anything physical/visible you can create a mental image of any props- if you really feel they are necessary- and do an evocation.
Even just focusing on the sigil and sending them a prayer should be enough to get help from a spirit sympathetic to these situations.

Hope all goes well