Don't give Fucking Excuses in magick

I had someone recently come to me, about a ritual that they desired to do but it involved tools such as a 13 foot hexagram circle, large fire torches, a golden sword, blood, etc.

I told him half of these tools aren’t needed but he kept telling me that this was given to him by the demon Bune and that Bune said to absolutely not alter the ritual layout.

So I just told him, why don’t you perform this ritual outside of the flesh, I told him whether it’s through astral travel or shamanic journeying or even soul travel.

What you create in the spiritual planes manifests immediately and that our physical world will then with time duplicate the same result.

He performed the ritual and has told me it’s was the greatest ritual of his life.

Look at the end of the day, if you believe a ritual needs to be done a certain way with items that you don’t have access to then perform it in the other worlds.

Then they’ll complain but I can’t soul travel or astral project and I always say the same thing " stop trying so fucking hard ", it’s a easy and natural process to leave your body.

Just enter the state of relaxation feel the vibrations, add in tactile visualising and internal visual visualisation or even mantras etc.

There are thousands of techniques, don’t just read them or pick it up and try then it doesn’t work and then you just stop.

Damn you’re limiting yourself, here are the questions I get asked.

1 : Do I need to do chakra work and tune my third eye to speak to spirits ?

No you do not, years ago I was evoking ancient gods and demons in my bedroom into a full physical appearance and experienced poltergeist activity without chakra work.

2 : how do I know that the voice of the spirit isn’t my imagination ?

Look the imagination is the catalyst of magick, from what Azazel told me, the most easy way they can communicate with you is through your internal voice, he explains that they tap into the inner dimension that does exist within this 3 dimensional world.

Anyway the spirits can enter and infiltrate, the information in your brain, when you’re in the rapture and crossroad state, when the spirit is half way in and half way out of you.

This allows the entity to alter your internal voice, to create a degree of communication, so yes it’s your imaginative voice, but the message and words are the spirit.

3 : Are you afraid of going to hell when you die ?

Haha no i’ll enjoy it, but in all seriousness when I exit my body, I seek to become the universal traveller I will go to hell, and heaven and Valhalla and other dimensions and realms etc.

Your beliefs are what draw you towards a place after death, if you believe you’re going to a place of torment and punishment, you enter a thought formed after life, that you and millions of others have manifested through belief.

I believe I will be free to do as I wish and that’s what will happen.

Moving on …

Anyway I don’t know why but ever since my last ritual I had to address this, I’m not slandering any beginners I encourage you on research but realise magick isn’t special we all have magick and are all equal in power.

But remember power is knowledge and knowledge is power.

Sincerely Conner Kendall :new_moon:.


On point as always.


Thanks brother :fist:t2:


Thank you for this. Interesting, insightful. This gave me a lot to digest.


You are a true insperation to magic.


No problem.

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Thanks but aren’t we all.

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This. Is. Why. I. Don’t. Do. Ceremonial. Magic.

It’s all Chaos!!!

Haha, on a more serious note, limiting oneself to the specifics of an actual shape or size or color and so on will definitely not help. It’s okay to limit yourself when you know your current personal limits, but don’t limit yourself just because it says so.


We all are.

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@titou666 this post may be helpful to answer some of your questions.

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This reminds me of something. I was randomly just asking Lucifer if I was a child of him and I heard a big NO!

I thought that wasn’t my imagination because it happen within a split second of me asking that question.

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It gets me closer to understand. I create my own limitations and my own bounderies. My will is my world. And my world is infinite
Technical question:can two human souls meet in soul travel? Can you “stumble” across another human soul in soul travel?

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Hey Adepts Tx. Thanks for the info about this topic. It gets me closer to understanding. Take care

Excellent. We people are very good making excuses why something wouldn’t work. Including me. :thinking:

I feel you sister !

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As we progress beyond childhood we lose our innate ability to travel to the moon in a rocketship made out of nothing more than a cardboard box, an empty egg carton, pipe cleaners and sticky back plastic…


Daydreaming can bridge that gap though! :thumbsup:

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