Doing rituals in the forest

A member mentioned on this post:

Has anyone else shared this experience?


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I am sorry but even with a mask they can still follow you or get attached to you
Or maybe could someone explain the point behind the mask

Parasitic or unwanted enteties are everywhere not only in woods

If you don’t want parasitic , thought form enteties etc there is nothing better than banishing , aura cleaning , shielding , good nutrition etc

Nature does have more … Life , energy , force but still i am curious why the mask :thinking:


What difference a mere mask is gonna make? Except maybe some psychological placebo :thinking:


I’m less concerned about the mask thing cause I get it would take a very strong belief in that mask for it to provide protection…

I’m more so wondering about people’s experiences performing rituals in the woods. Are spirits more likely to follow you home? I’ve done a few rituals at the beach and didn’t notice anything unusual.


Not happened with me.

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Actually, masks have a long history of being used to confuse troublesome spirits. They function on the idea that spirits will see you as just another spirit. They were most often made to look horrible and terrifying because it was believed that any spirits that would try to attach themselves would respect a bigger, scarier, spirit.

It’s also the belief behind the practice of placing gargoyles on the roof of churches. They scare off any demonic spirits.


I’ll be damned. :thinking: Would this work? Had no idea.

Oh, got it. Thanks :cowboy_hat_face:

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I live at countryside ! Woods , rivers, old fountains, crossroads i do usually rituals in there so …nope

I still maintain that there is a chance to get parasites from everywhere 🤷
You are the reason not the place

For example , I have big problem in public transports :slight_smile: many people , small place , many thoughts many emotions etc
I have to be better prepared in a tramway that in a wood :))
In woods i feel like home


lol when I hear something weird in the woods at night I make weirder noises.

(I’m in a unique location ocean, national forest and largest dunes in North America in my backyard)

At night I fear cougars more than spirits… I go out to the dunes and find large cat prints all the time. The black bears provide comfort though :sweat_smile:


Or maybe to use the mask in a ritual as a tool first and to empower it

Haha @anon8398376 i hear jackals and as you say that scares me more

@DarkestKnight do you think that they can’t sense we humans ?:thinking:

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At the very least if I learned some jewelry skills encrusting gems in a mask bound to entitites sounds like it could be a fun hobby.


Well, to be honest, predatory spirits were not considered to be very bright :joy:

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Good point !
Unless maybe you can’t control your emotions and get scare , stressed or afraid that’s like a delicious food smell :))

To be honest I will give a try with the mask but first will empower it in a ritual 🤷

If any neighbor see me … :)) I will be burnt

Thank you all for the responses. Disconnecting for a bit for ritual preparation.


every hobby is expensive🤓

you wanna do jewelry, you can get some stuff at Joannes or Michael’s. like round nose pliers.

at the hobby store maybe and for sure on amazon you can get a jeweler’s saw for $15 (looks like a coping saw but much finer teeth than a hack saw)

then you gotta get a flex-shaft. won’t get that for less than $100

then if you have any money left after buying your tools you can spend the rest of it at places like

It will make a big hole in your pocket just to get started :grin:

Maybe if you do rituals in the forest nature spirits follow you home to see what you’re up to🤔

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That’s some great info! I assume you also need soldering skills too?

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parasitic entities are created through thought form, they do not exist independent of others, they jump from one host to another through interaction. what im speaking of exist whether we interact with them or not. because they exist independently I’ve found that if you watch them they will not follow you but instead they will retreat, if you consistently follow them for awhile (it’s like a game for them) then they will show themselves to you. so if you wear a mask while exiting grove they will not follow you because your watching them. i’ve found stepping over streams works as well, but it isnt as reliable as the mask method.