Does Use Of Pornography Harm One's Magick?

I asked you if witchhunts were okay with you because you have this “only the weak fall down, and they deserve it” argument going on.

I think education and knowledge are always good, but if I think magick is harming someone, I will try to encourage them to acquire balance or find a less destabilising paradigm. I have done that countless times on here.

Most ideologies start out with good intentions, and ALL have some positive aspects, but manufacturing deliberate traps (or knowing they exist and not warning someone who’s unaware) seems purely malicious.

Agian, is the right to create even the most harmful and addicting porn (or food, or whatever else) to be totally protected from criticism, while people must suffer and die as a result?

The failing is having a society where people who set traps are protected, while people who fall into them are deemed to be less important.

The trap-makers can surely be thrown into jail then, since it will only take them a few lifetimes of this happening to realise making traps isn’t acceptable. :wink:

Making a trap is a conscious willed act, falling into one you didn’t know existed is not.

See Divine Paradox, above.

We can rationally decide whether the need to make traps for others is as important, as necessary to the maker, as other people’s desire not to spend a lifetime struggling to try and escape, failing, and having to handle the fallout over multiple lifetimes.

Again, trying for a world where setting traps for others is largely discouraged would allow us to see how that worked out.

What doesn’t kill you, doesn’t always make you stronger, or PTSD would not be a real thing (along with its spiritual analogues, soul-loss and past-life traumatic imprints).

Firstly, do the trap-makers lose more if they are not permitted to make their traps, than people who fall into them could lose?

Secondly, is a society with traps everywhere a thing I find personally important to either defend, or end?

Thirdly, what seems to be the effect of allowing unlimited trap-making on the a society, does it lead to more general happiness, or more general pain?

And so on.

For example a society that gave all high-schoolers a 3-month course of daily heroin injections, then left them to sort themselves out, because heroin manufacturers wanted to create a market, may not really be very nice to live in.

Scale that down to allowing heroin ads in school, promoted by cool celebrities and with zero warning about the likely effects of prolonged use, and the parallel gets closer to what we’re talking about here.

So if you saw someone from a culture with no wall sockets about to do this because they genuinely didn’t understand the consequences, would you also think that was fine?

Again, you defend the trap-makers at all costs, as though they alone are immune to any criticism. This is what I disagree with.

There is nothing remotely natural about modern porn, it’s availability, and the methods it’s delivered by, something which has already been covered in a link above.

If you woke up tomorrow and someone had covertly spiked your food with a highly-addicting opiate that caused suffering the moment you began to detox, and you didn’t realise this had happened until you started feeling the effects and needing more, would it still be “your own stupid fault” for not running drug tests on your food?

Or would it be the fault or the asshole who did this to you?

But they don;t know the consewuences, until now, and as long as people dismiss Nofap as mindless puritam=nism, nor can they make an informed choice.

Psych studies show people are more loss-averse than inclined to try and gain (will try to avoid losing a $5 note they were just given rather than try to double it, even of the odds are the same).

Yes, I think so. :smiley:


Society has always had traps and trapmakers and on the same scale as today as previously stated as most societies were far smaller in the past and used religious and spiritual versions of it to do so. It is foolish to think that the ruling classes didn’t use mass programming of even dreams to influence the mind the same as media is used today. We certainly have the capabilities now and have seen the effects in our own experiments.

What I defend ends up being the right of people to produce what forms of entertainment and media they wish whether those people be corporations or private individuals as trying to curb one usually fucks up a bunch of other people.

Yet we live in a culture where the risks are rather well known and just disregarded.

First I would blame myself for not sensing the difference in the food and after dealing with the consequences of detoxing would work on being able to detect such in the future. Of course I would take my own personal revenge if I did not benefit ultimately as I do prescribe to the theory of using physical stress and pain as a means to accelerate the growth of certain psychic abilities. You see such things in shamanism where near death experiences awaken a calling or certain powers. The stress triggers a survival response that can end up ultimately beneficial if the result is cultivated and yes I have put myself through a to test this. I do tend to be a masochist at times.

Perhaps because it comes across as mindless puritanism. Perhaps try an approach of granting even more sublime pleasures and certainly change it from no fap. Fight fire with fire. Porn offers pleasure and gratification. Do the same but in ways that train and cultivate the will at the same time and an exaltation of experience that makes what you are trying to warn them away from seem trivial in comparison. Give a better alternative and become more alluring. Of course that means you effectively become the same as the porn makers just selling a different drug that is better at least until someone invokes a cannibalistic demon but only a small minority would have such problems I think.

I believe quite firmly in experiencing the pleasures of the body and mind and the energy of oneself and others. So denial of porn is denying one means that may be fulfilled even if it is not my usual means it might be the means someone else commonly uses as a medium.

Offer a means of training biofeedback for example to induce the same pleasures solely by ones own will. Ways to channel sexual energy instead of losing it to porn which tends to completely offset the mental effects as the act of channeling the energy impresses strongly like a sigil to overall strengthen the energy body. Instead of trying to avoid teach people to use it as a tool or go without completely and still have the same pleasures and gratifications.

Change the means so nothing is truly lost and there is only gain to be had. Physical pleasure does not need to be pushed aside or the stimulation of the senses but simply redirect it to come from more controlled sources or to be utilized constructively. Make it a revolution in sex magick by any other name but that.

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7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Overcoming Addictions, And More

Pornography when becomes a crutch to feel alive does harm one’s spiritual practices and even more one’s magick. But again someone who meditates regularly will not depend on porn to feel good unless the person’s meditation is some made-up shit. Porn on the lines of hard addictions does a lot of damage to chakras, destablises them, fucks up brain circuitry and reinforces the body consciousness making the ego stronger and stronger. Such person will never attempt to do any meditation and practise any magick or at best the progress will be at a snail’s pace.

Not everyone gets addicted to porn and even among addicts there will be different levels of porn consumption. Only unfortunate souls with very bad influence from some planets will become slaves to hard addictions like porn as they will use porn to self medicate their trauma in their lives and also those who are very sensitive to negative energies around them. Almost 99% of the people globally who are addicted to porn would be from Pluto in Scorpio generation.


Guess I’ll give the only solution for the brainwashing thing. FREE. Take it up a level.
The idea is to manipulate all the reprogramming currently stored in the brain. Best way of going about solving it is to use something called "sleep learning/reprogramming. BUT worst part is that it’s all in their heads. A good 90% of the suggestions couldn’t bypass into anyones subconscious. Sorry. Long term expert on the reprogramming stuff. Placebo. Or in this case nocebo.

I don’t see why considering the reality of Kama Sutra especially the erotic iconography liberally dispersed throughout India, Tantric sexual practices, and of course the various forms of sex magic ancient and modern. In fact pornography can greatly enhance one’s magic when used intelligently. Pornography in it’s modern abundance is an endless source of material to make to make memes and recut into customized sigils/videos for sorcery workings.


In my personal experience, yes. When prepping for a work or simply focusing on raising my vibe, I will fast from both food and porn.

This has yielded significant results. The fasting from food helps to raise vibration by detoxing the body(our food is trash in America, sorry patriots) and the fasting from porn is particularly useful for kundalini arousal.


Yes , it completely messes with endorphins which are used in raising vibration, usually emotional output is energy in magick, porn dulls it completely, it’s disgusting to watch when you know the goal behind it


IME it does exactly what you’d expect; black magic gets easier, white magic gets harder.



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Search it up, Google Images. :+1:

Make sure the adult content filter is off.


If its anything like sissy hypno, id rather not

Porn is fucking disgusting, this is my opinion, and that sissy hypno shit is very dangerous


It’s a prolapsed rectum, which folds out (like when you take a sock off and it turns inside out) into a kind of red lump. Other porn “actors” then lick, kiss, and generally engage with this lump of flesh.

The prolapsed organ is a vector for infection and a lot of these girls are young, so the prolapse will only grow worse over time, and if they get pregnant they’re likely to have serious problems though most have probably self-eugenicised out the gene pool anyway.

This medical condition, with potentially life-threatening implications (having your insides coming out is a risk for sepsis, blood clots, and other kinds of infection) has been given a pretty name, “rosebud” by pornographers who know that if they can reel people into liking stuff no normal girlfriend will have or do, they have a mind-slave for life.

People act like porn is just natural healthy lust, but it takes a lot of mental-manipulation to get people turned on by visible pathologies of the colon.

Luckily for pornographers, the mental state people are in when looking at it, combined with the otherwise attractive look of the “actresses,” is brilliant at making the mind correlate weird stuff to sexual arousal. It’s like volunteering to become one of Pavlov’s dogs, trained to get aroused at specific signals.

Agree about the sissy porn, the whole thing is like some vast attack on human dignity and the ability to have a loving, respectful relationship with another human being. :thinking:


During my suicidal dark times, i actually stumbled across it while browsing, here’s the thing, i did not use audio, but still the images were very powerful (perhaps because I was not strong mentally) after a bit when i realised the sissy crap crawled in unexpectedly, one night i was desperate, so i cried to Lucifer and chanted his mantra, he BURNED the suggestions away, destroyed them!

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That’s awful, but I’m glad you got free.

I could rant on about this but honestly then someone’s just going to either get triggered about it’s political to dare criticise the mighty and benevolent porn industry, or explain how they occasionally like to watch porn and it’s no big deal, which is precisely like me saying I took an aspirin last week so anyone who’s hooked on fentanyl is either making shit up or could easily just quit.

This stuff is NOTHING to do with sex, which is why porn searches tend to become progressively weirder as people desensitise to stuff, but that’s still not completely obvious to everyone… :man_shrugging:


Tonight I risked relapsing due to all the crap I had to do, but I am fighting, didn’t sleep much though,

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I don’t have any experience with this myself (I had, and have, other bugbears in life, just as we all do) so I’m not sure what would be helpful, but I wish you well with it.


Thank you Lady Eva, i fight every day now, but to be honest I just want peace, been fighting for llts of years

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On eating disorder forums, some of the girls (they’re usually girls) talk about the one event, a comment from a dad or brother a lot of the time, or an ex, or someone they respected, that told them they were FAT, which usually carries way more negative meaning than simply being a bit overweight, and then they spent years battling to lose weight in horrible ways, and will forever fight the voice telling them to starve and do other destructive stuff. :thinking:

I never had exactly that problem but I do know what it’s like having an internal harangue to do things I know are not in my own best interests, and how it will use every opportunity, good or bad, to push for more.

People are highly prone to programming, ALL of us, and yet we forget this and berate ourselves, instead of accepting it and USING it.

Have you tried Afformations? They work like this:

  1. Formulate an idea that’s the opposite of the compulsion you want to avoid - for example, if I wanted to stop biting my nails (using a neutral example here), it would be something like “My nails grow long and healthy now.”

  2. Turn that into a question: “Why are my nails so long and healthy now?”

  3. Repeat this question, when you wake up, in the daytime as often as possible, and a few times before bed.

  4. You don’t need to imagine a long wordy answer, just keep dropping the question and let your mind slowly begin to change the programming.

The theory, which I have experienced working when I use this method, is that your mind likes to answer questions, so instead of trying to convince yourself “I no longer bite my nails” - and breaking out into a sweat when it’s very obviously not true yet - your mind gets busy putting together the evidence.

So in your case you would need a positive self-descriptor that’s the opposite of the brainwashing, something you mind feels okay with and that you aspire to, and then begin asking yourself why, and how, you’re (insert that positive description).

You can also use “moving towards…” if asking how you’re already there sets off your bullshit meter - “How am I moving towards long, healthy fingernails?” in my example of nail-biting.

This is very useful method, I don’t know whether it can take you all the way to freedom from this stuff but it might be worth trying. I’ll see whether I can find any other research about this.