Does PAIN causes a Black Magician to choose the LHP?

I am very grateful for your work with BALG, because until I discovered the Left Hand Path I found myself railing against and half unsettled by every Right Hand Path/ light worker’s take on spiritual ascent.

I like the idea of a limitless, leaderless, structureless universe- for us to mould and shape as we please, as well as the adversarial/ rebellious mode of expression that demands.

However, sometimes I fear (from my novice perspective) that my desire to walk the LHP, and my ability to tap into all the IMMENSE POWER that comes with this perspective stems SOLELY from the hardship and pain that I have (and to a point continue to) experience.

There is a Mystic, who practices solely White Magick, whoses written a book of sigils designed to
"open non-cognitive communication with the deeper states of dreaming. This
allows the issues of very old cycles of life to come to the
surface for cancellation by the sound elixirs used during yoga,
while sleeping or meditating."

Basically, (as I see it) to untangle any conflictive and unconstructive beliefs that lead to unconstructive or DESTRUCTIVE behaviours/ preference.

As my life is a bit out of whack at the moment, I wonder how helpful this kind of deep “spiritual cleansing” may be. BUT as a fiction writer (aspiring to dark powerful EMOTIONALLY CATHARTIC work) I wonder how much of this healing might cause me to
"Lose my zest for adversarialism"

Some of my BEST creative work (and magick experiences) came from an emotional place of DEEP CONVICTION, and conversely some of my happiest moments in life have yielded a bland placid disposition.

You mention in the Book of Azazel that duality disappears as we move further up in ascension, and that the Demonic divisions and separations that we experience in this physical plane are a necessary illusion, generating structure, meaning, preferences, energy, and growth.

All that would prove nonexistent if the planet or universe adopted the RHP belief in divine order, and an “all is always well” attitude of spiritual masters who have chosen not to journey " beyond the void" or who have chosen NOT to bring there power back down to influence the nature of this world through the Will of their Ego.

Do you believe a black magician can ever lose their conviction to enforce their will in the universe IF too many things start working out in their favour?

Does satisfaction and contentment ever zap the thrust and energy of the magician’s will?

Are there types of magick and power that are only accessible to the Ego (Magician) that feels so “out-of-whack” with the world that he must "turn the world upside down, so that he may be standing right side up?

Thanks for all the wisdom and knowledge

Its always greatly appreciated,

[quote=“jackson_caulfield, post:1, topic:7218”]Do you believe a black magician can ever lose their conviction to enforce their will in the universe IF too many things start working out in their favour?

Does satisfaction and contentment ever zap the thrust and energy of the magician’s will?[/quote]

Kinda had my own epiphany the other day, AND as someone whose going through rapid growth and expansion I’m almost (a!most) embarrassed by the thoughts and beliefs I’ve previously held.

Basically I’ve been afraid that everything I consider my True Identity can easily and (accidentally) get wiped away in some foolish misstep through one magical procedure or another.

I’ve held the mistaken belief that the parts of me I admire (almost covet) can easily be taken from me, as though they AREN’T ROOTED in the deep, more permanent confines of my soul.

So much of the Media depicts Magick as something that can mindlessly control us, either losing our Will or personality as though we were empty lamps whose light can be snuffed out or sparked back on from some external source.

Seldom do we see examples of the INNNER TRANSFORMATION coming as a culmination of DECISIONS and CHOICES we’ve made (and continue to make) every moment of our lives.

Modern Science, Monotheistic Religion, and New Age RHP philosophy, all tend to SEPERATE the Body-Mind from the Spirit-Will, and lead us to believe there is a chance of “accidentally wiping out harddrive clean” becoming a vegetable or mindless slave to “something else”

The question is how can we separate Beliefs from our Desires,

(as a desire to “get buff” at the gym, may actually stem from a belief, that you “need muscles” to find an attractive mate)