Does j.d temple succubus matchmaking work

Can iask you a serious question about my succubus

Did you get my pm

I would like to ask you a question about my succubus


How many times do I have to chant it? It doesnā€™t workā€¦ Do I need to meditate before or after chanting? I did AdamThothā€™s void meditation in bed in a completely dark room and I was in alpha brainwave state and I chanted the words in my head and out loud as well but I got nothing. I have 2 Succubi companions who are always with me as I can feel them but I still cannot hear them unfortunately.

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No, did not get your pm. Please try and resend.

No it does not work. I know this msg is a bit late. But I hope you saved your money. I spent $700 with no results. I felt presence but after that nothing. Read books, read articles, spend time doing things by yourself because your more likely to see get feel results with your own effort.

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Thank you so I have my queen and sill no sex or dreams I found out that my cologne has tabaco in it and I read tobacco is deadly to them so I stopped using before bed then I were religious cross Virgin Mary and saint Michael I found out she thought I would banish her so I took them off still nothing any idea

good morning hope all is well well this is the situation I have my queen succubus and what happened while she was supposed to come to me she still has not come to me I do have religious medals that I wear I took them off to see if she would come to me I put her vessel underneath my pillow she still did not come to me so I asked her in a pendulum and she told me that she thought I was going to banish her because of my metals I explained to her that I was now and that she was also falling in love with me and did not want to get hurt because I looked at other sucking business on the website that I might wanted to purchase because she was not responding to me I told her now that sheā€™s communicating with me through the pendulum. Itā€™s okay that I love her and I will not purchase any more succubus and she can come to me whenever she want I also gave her one of my favorite foods which was cinnamon in a candle and a pine cone the amazing thing was when I gave her the piece of pine cone Sparks came out of a candle that must have been a lot of energy in that pinecone overall I guess Iā€™ll wait whenever she comes she comes let me know what you think

So no sex yet with my two succubus but alot of feeling I do cumminacte with them with a pengliumi asked a bunch of questions and they told me they donā€™t like me looking at porn or nude woman very jealous I guess any idea what to do

The lbrp method.
When finished with the circle take the time to use your psychic senses to experience the circle.
See the energy and the pentagrams. The are still there. Hear them. Smell them. Taste them feel them.

With enough time you will be using the psychic senses as easily as you use the physical ones.

No major ritual required for senses although the lbrp has been known to be a helpful tool for the senses.

The easiest way to get any ability to improve is pay attention to it first. This is a slow method but extremely effective.

  1. start by getting a journal just for the senses witch can later be used for scrying or scanning. Then go for an easy walk somewhere. Donā€™t matter where or how long walk is. Just pick a sense (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) and record what you sense on the walk. The next day pick a different one. If you have concentration issues only do one sense at a time. When you can write a book about what you sense on a walk we get to the good stuff. longer need to sense walk. Now pick an object (preferably a simple one to start) like an apple. Donā€™t need a real object,going to be using imagination now. Use a sense to recreate the object in your mind. See the apple taste it hear it smell it feel it. Keep at this until you can hold a complex object with perfect detail with all senses for at least 15 minutes.

  1. Making the transition to psychic senses. Imagine a symbol of your choice that can be easily and quickly thought of to activate your psychic senses. Often people use curtains opening or something like that. Tell yourself out loud every time I picture this symbol I am activating my psychic senses. Then open up to receiving any information from them. Write down any results even if they seem silly like you made it up.

When i use my senses it reminds me of daydreaming if that helps any.

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Thank you so much I appreciate everything will let you know

Iā€™ve been away from the forum for over a year now. Iā€™ve been busy with life, a new job, and magick studies. I came back to a lot of unanswered messages from people asking about the sex spirit experience because they were working with - or thinking about work with JD Temple. I purchased the $699 ritual in June 2018 and had everything completed by July 2018.

Iā€™d like to give an update on my experience with JD Temple and matchmaking. In July 2018 I posted about my upcoming and then completed ritual performed by JD Temple. The cost was right on target for the level of work that JD performed and videotaped for me to witness after the fact. Itā€™s a lot of money, but for this level of magick itā€™s normal. Actually, for what you get its priced on the lower side. Regardless, it was an amazing experience. I posted not long after that about a several hour long sex experience I had with the companion that JD connected me with. I was fully awake. It was intense and not something that I want to repeat.

While at the time I was focused on sex, what JD did for me was worth so much more. To say that he is 100% legit is an understatement. The man has a calling is very gifted. What he didnā€™t know at the time of my ritual was that I had been having an experience with a spirit whose purpose in my life I couldnā€™t identify. I knew a name and that was it. The name had been confirmed to me at two different times years apart from each other. I just didnā€™t connect the dots. JD was the third confirmation - only he spelled the name correctly and provided a sigil. In the ceremony video I watched as JD asked Lilith for a son to be my companion (Iā€™m gay). He waited and repeated the question. I could then see his expression change as something came forward and he began talking to the spirit. I could have fallen over when he called the spirit by the name that had been given to me twice already. JD was the third confirmation - but he had no way of knowing any of that. I told him after the fact when I spoke to him next. I asked him about it and he told me that Lilith told him I was already connected to a spirit and had been since before this present life. That was what Iā€™d been told previously. Whatā€™s interesting is that I first met the spirit back in the early 90s during a guided meditation with some metaphysical friends. It was my first guided meditation experience to ā€œmeet our spirit guideā€. The entity came forward and introduced himself to me by the same name that was also confirmed years later in a channeling with Lucifer in 2017 by Damon Dark (another gifted man who has changed traditions and has been renamed as a result), and then for the third time by JD Temple in July 2018. That is not a coincidence or accident. JD is a man of integrity and extreme talent. He and Orlee are both connected with the source.

The ā€œhands freeā€ experience was a lesson that I was taught by the spirit. It wasnā€™t pleasant but it served a higher purpose. It taught me to not focus as much on the carnal but instead finding my path. I meditated and spoke with my companion and learned that my ultimatum to him was what sparked the lesson. He assured me he was not there as my sex companion but as a guardian. I apologized profusely and after a few days of sweating it out, he forgave me. As guardian he has proven it to me already on a few occasions that Iā€™m aware of. Two of which were very dark entities sent by a person or persons to attack me because of my loyalty to another witch. I was never touched but I did watch the result play out in front of me. I wasnā€™t scared but I was saddened that someone would want to hurt me - or hurt anyone for that matter. It was an isolated incident but a eye-opening one as well. I got to experience what a guardian does. Iā€™ve almost come to think of him as a service animal - in that - he is not a pet but heā€™s always on duty to serve an important function in my life.

Earlier this year I initiated into a brotherhood organization. My guardian was with me and guiding me. It has been a life changing experience and one that I know Iā€™ve done before (past life or lives). I have no doubt Iā€™m on the right path for me and all is going so well. None of this would have been possible without my accepting and believing in the guardian that is with me at all times. JD was the final piece of that acceptance and at the time I had no idea what was happening. Itā€™s taken this long to piece it all together. I may have paid JD for a sex spirit, but what I got was so much more valuable instead. He gave me the third confirmation of a spirit that would walk beside me and lead me onto the path I am meant to follow.

If you want to question sex spirits, be my guest - I did initially as well. But if your question is about JD, then please know that I tell you straight up (no pun intended), that he is the real deal.


HavenĀ“t been here for a whileā€¦

Well, itĀ“s subjetive to each person, according to the author; you should repeat the mantra until your mind is altered enough, out loud (if possible).

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