Does anyone know how to undo christian prayers and get rid of your guardian angel?

Never saw a Christian prayer that had any power. Your guardian angel isn’t necessarily Christian.

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I call him Luce sometimes lol

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Many Christian prayers have power, the Our Father is very powerful

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Maybe not the usual christian prayers, but I think I heard about some churches or prayers that can per say have power - even being a form of magic itself due to the intent of the people saying the prayer/etc. I don’t think this is the usual case though.

However less because of the “Our Father” and more because of the will/intent of the person saying the prayer/other religious rituals. Basically same reason as to why ones person’s magick HERE might work better then another’s. Intent = power.


Yes I agree. If they get emotional enough.

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I found before I could truly dedicate myself to the left hand path, I need to know that it was real. That the entities would really help me, and that I would gain some sort of spiritual benefit from it (and not just be an anti-christian for the sake of purely rebelling. I know there are some backwards versions of the “Our father” and other Christian prayers you can recite on here. You can always look that up. There is also the very real (and sometimes very terrifying) reverse baptism. I mean, isn’t baptism supposed to be about being “reborn”. (or is about killing “you” and sending you to the underworld, a version I highly do not recommend)

Before you go about getting rid of your guardian angel, you should probably have a better understand of what that is, typically the occult version of that has nothing to do with Christianity or any particular religion. (I won’t get into terms and arguments, or the “Operation of Abramelin” or whatever, because I always hated that as a newcomer. I figured I would never know what that is, or if I was doing it right, so why even bother.) And yeah, this is from someone who recited “Libre Samekh” for years and years.

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From Tenacious D

Exactly. Intent. Why shouldn’t a Christian be succesful? There is not much difference between a christian prayer and a prayer to Lucifer, or a declaration of intent or a spell or whatever. The success depends on many things, such as intent for example, yes.

Also, wording is important too. The psalms can make for powerful prayers.

And there are christian prayers who serve as mantras, such as Ave Maria and Our Father. And they are not less effective than occultist mantras or buddhist or whatever, why would they? They’ve been around for some time now and have proven to work for many people.


Hell, Dies Irae can be a VERY potent chant for either destruction of an enemy or to escape from harm. While the chant is beautiful, it is not my cup of tea as one who leans more towards LHP. A little too much begging for my tastes. But it is effective in certain situations, especially if inclined to one’s beliefs and intention.


It’s not my cup of tea either, but as you’ve said, they’re far from being powerless.


Lucifer isn’t a demon.

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Hmm… But he didn’t become a demon, and I think Satan and Lucifer are two different entities? Lucifer is a fallen angel, albeit still an angel.

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He isn’t xD
I’m just explaining some christian cosmology xD

And yeah, they’re different. But as i said, for some christians all that 3 are the same, why? Idk, that was what they teach in my old school

Yes that is correct, Satan and Lucifer are different, but I don’t know if Satan is a fallen angel or a demon

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Oh, well I don’t really keep up with Christian cosmology - since I’m not christian XD.

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I’m pretty sure Satan might be a demon? Lucifer is definitely an fallen angel last I checked. Which basically means that he is no longer connected to the judeo Pantheon/home. Not that he morphed into a demon…

@anon48079295 or someone else might know more. Lol I don’t keep up with all that.

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@MagickVigilante aaaah i feel like my other posts were confusing.

Was i was trying to explain was th Christian meaning for devil because @Mind_Seeker20 asked.

For a lot of christians (at least the why my school explained), Lucifer is the same as satan (although they aren’t the same entity), an they also cosider that it’s a fallen angel that turned into a demon because he felt (again, considering that for them lucifer=satan).
And considering all that, he would be (for them) like the most evil and powerful demon, s it’s the devil

And why some christian see it that way? I have no idea tbh

Edit: i deleted the ther post to avoid more confusion about i was trying to explain. I hope this time i explained myself correctly

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My response was simply because I noticed alot of stuff that didn’t add up/not true - nothing to do with the religion aspect. If that’s what the religion teaches then I respect their beliefs – I was only replying on the details… The fact that it was due to teachings didn’t cross my mind. Sorry.

Wait when did I ask about a devil?? I thought my response(s) (except when I asked for clarification/confirmation) was mainly answering the questions pertaining to the thread.

Noo don’t worry. I didn’t explained myself with clarity so it caused a lot of confusion.
Even for me is confusing now the way they mix lucifer with satan tbh xD

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I don’t believe Satan to be a legitimate entity outside of Satanael from the 2nd book of Enoch who was a fallen Angel, the first fallen Angel.