Does anyone else feel like God is ignoring them?

God never did a single good thing from me since the moment I was born. I am glad I found Goetia and Lucifer❤️


Can you share the exact link?

Can u share the link?

I’ve spoken to the real god, the true god of all the universe, once.

He’s ironically the only being I’ve been able to contact, with perhaps one other I don’t wanna think about.

I did this because I am truly enlightened and I had to be on his level to connect with him, to be of his ilk and understand truly the greatest of agonies and the harsh truths of life.

I only spoke with him to understand, and I came to many of the great revelations myself completely on my own.

And here is one thing I’ll tell you about god, firstly, he truly does love everyone, more or less, maybe except the willfully ignorant, that means EVERYONE, from the most depraved serial killer to the selfless person, he understands and is all these mentalities.

So he never really interferes and instead leaves it up to everyone else to compete with everyone, because it’d be unfair to give another an unfair advantage, so if a serial killer is about to get his next pure innocent (a pretty rare thing but an example) victim, he won’t interfere, because he understands what an outcast that person is, and that they’ve earned that if they succeed.

Also, god is mostly focused on keeping the universe and the planets working in order, a truly monumental herculean task, that he doesn’t even always succeed that, despite being amazingly balanced and dealing with all this alone stronger than everyone.

Invoke the other spirits and beings, that’s what they are there for, he delegates tasks to them, through either choice or right of conquest from powerful ones.

God genuinely doesn’t have time for this shit, he’s trying to make sure the earth doesn’t accidentally float into the sun, and the same for every other planet and solar system we don’t know about, that’s more important.


and to be clear, I don’t mean a nebulous couple things I heard, or things I interpreted in my mind.

Or unclear messages where I had to let my head be blank and spoken into.

I astral projected outside the entire universe, saw god in his full self (the universe itself) and had a very clear, long and advanced conversation.

I think the real problem is people who follow the Abrahamic faiths don’t understand the principle of God so well.

I don’t blame them, this entity is hard to get and i feel like us occultists know Thee better than them :rofl:

There’s a reason why praying for Jesus, Mary, the Saints etc tend to have more results for people who desperately need help.

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Sorry, I’m not really a techy so i don’t know how but hopefully it won’t get me in trouble. It’s "joy of satan " you will need to rummage for it

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I’m sorry, @Herbie but you cannot link to that website due to its controversial political ideology. It’s a breach of the no politics rule.

@DarkestKnight. Sorry about that. I didn’t mean any offence. I will not make that mistake again. It’s a pity about that magically i find it really useful. it’s a shame about the political garbage that goes with it :confused:

Thank you


god also isn’t any of the ones in any of the faiths.

if you mean the god of the Bible, yes that’s why I checked out. :cowboy_hat_face:

I guess some spirits like us and some don’t. after hours and hours talking to the god of the Bible, I felt like I was talking to the wall. and the first time I did the pathworking of Michael Ford Lucifer was standing behind my left shoulder. Ahriman is bugging me to finish his talisman🥸

I just recently found out the name of the god of the Bible from Nehemiah Gordon (one of the guys that worked on translating the dead sea scrolls) He says he spent 20 years looking at old Hebrew manuscripts to find it. Yahweh is a dialect for Jove a.k.a. Jupiter. Yehovah is the abbreviated name in Hebrew. and the name of the god of the Bible in English is " He that was, and He that is, and He that will be" If you really want to talk to that guy, maybe you should address him by his name.

If you want to get rid of him Lady Eva introduced us to a spirit named Cozhier (maybe I’m spelling his name wrong. He specializes in getting rid of the influence of Yehovah)

I spelled it wrong again. Duke Cohzier

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Interesting to read, can we know How did u find them ? And when did you realize you should turn away from God ?

In muslim religion we have all things very clear

In your situation, when you contacted demons for help then this is not the reason why God don’t respond you or ignore you.

Demons are creatures if you use them its same like you take help from any other human being.

But when it comes to Magic then we have to check how you are using demons, if you have contacted and performed any black ritual then this will break your connection with God and your prayers remains unanswered.

If thats the case then there are steps to undo all this & recreate the connection. But since u have tasted the supernatural…. You have now your new paths…. Which might block u to return…

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I don’t follow any religious book at all never read any never will. but I work with both demons and angels. I even channeled a message from the Christian god or a being that call them self god. And still work with demons just fine. I even done demonic/angelic healing ritual

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God is Silence

demon magic doesn’t work for me
not even angel magic
I’ve tried both and I can never come to a good agreement with them and in the end they just ignore me,I end up ignoring them too
it only works for me to use psalms and trust in the Creator of God, what’s weird is that it works fast for me

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@FireSun im kinda going to the same thing right now… and psalms is underrated. I think because people don’t know what psalm is for their desired outcome.

But beside all that, I’m digging in to abramelin magical squares right now. Let see i guess.

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I watched a video from one practitioner who explains what each psalm is for in magic
it works for me with candle magic
when you already know how to put your intention into objects, it’s easy
then you say a psalm over it and that’s it