Does anyone else feel like God is ignoring them?

It seems like God does not listen to my prayers in my worst moments, same thing with angels. They both deny me ever since I have started working with demons and the reason is obvious. I just feel like once you start working with demons you get in to something you can not get out of. Demons instantly accepted me and many of them want to work with me on the other hand.


Well, which god are we talking about? If you are referencing the Abrahamic one, which version specifically? The Muslim? The Judaic? The Christian?

Quite honestly in my opinion, it sounds as though you need to do a thorough banishing and grounding. You seem to be putting the expectation of hatred from specific entities out and receiving it in kind.

Don’t get me wrong, certain forces don’t exactly get along, and the old demiurge and his archons certainly don’t like being subverted, however to work with “demons” and expect to be in the good graces of a deity that explicitly dislikes them is a very strange way of going about things.

Banish. Ground. Sit down and look at your ideals and beliefs and find what you are truly looking to accomplish and are seeking.



Thanks for the reply. I am talking about the abrahamic God of the Jews, Muslims and Christians I see them all as one. I just want to be loved by God AND demons <3 But I know I would have to banish this entity for it to be so. I guess it does sound strange.

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Taking a look at your other posts here, you seem to be approaching all of this from a position of fear. Fear of damnation and doom. Fear of karma. Fear of the beings themselves.

You need to ground and reevaluate your views. Approaching anything in the occult, be it angels, demons, fey, elementals or the great old ones will only bring you harm or trouble.

Look into yourself. Find why you are fearful, and either overcome it or adjust yourself accordingly.

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I get you @Shamn Most people are in these forum because of the same reason. Plus, the escape of the slavery system behind the biblical god Yahweh. Where you are punished with eternal suffering for rejecting him. Really!!! Is that free will? Most Christians who follow him, confuse love and fear. He gives you a free wish to do as you please, yet he punishes you for not doing what he wants. He thinks some of his followers love him, but most just follow him because of fear. We are in this forum because as brothers & sisters, we help each other break the chains of slavery, with spiritual help. Angels live in heaven, Humans live on earth, Demons in hell, Dont you think as a human being you have the freedom to express yourself to the fullest here on earth (home)?


I fear certain aspects of the occult that’s true. But I do know the demons can be kind I have personal experience with it. And they also seem hurt by my fear, so I try my best not to fear. I guess I just need more knowledge to remove this fear, religion really did a number on me.


There are a lot of angels out there. If one doesn’t work with you find another. If they dont work with you, work with those that want to work with you. Break your chains of fear and neediness from the celestial being and Yahweh. Remember this, your most valuable asset is you time. Dont waste it chasing shadows.


Yes I do feel that, but the feeling is mutual in my case :smiley:

Try getting baptized again and go to church maybe then they will respond to you again give that a try.

It sounds like you shouldn’t be working with demons if you feel this way.

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I think I am definitely more demonic leaning, so many demons want to work with me and accept me. I just have some fear in me which should fade the longer I get in to the occult. My unidentified demon is kinder than even my own father, so “it’s” giving me hope and less fear.

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I struggled with that myself when switching from angelic to demonic magick i started with angelic magick because i was brought up in a strick baptist household and then i wanted to change to demonic but started getting cold feet because of that stupid religious bull shit. So before i did any demonic work i did the cursing the nazerene ritual look it up on the web i don’t think i am allowed to mention the site here, one of my posts got taken down when i did.
It is really cool :sunglasses: you have to do a bit of work to set it up but it stopped all doubt guilt and stupidity immediately. I went straight on to demonic and never looked back Happy Magick


Nope. I can work with everything, and anything, without issue.

EA Koetting spoke with God while taking a break from black magick as detailed in his book Questing After Visions. His guides literally sent him to a Christian monastery to decompress.


God never did a single good thing from me since the moment I was born. I am glad I found Goetia and Lucifer❤️


Can you share the exact link?

Can u share the link?

I’ve spoken to the real god, the true god of all the universe, once.

He’s ironically the only being I’ve been able to contact, with perhaps one other I don’t wanna think about.

I did this because I am truly enlightened and I had to be on his level to connect with him, to be of his ilk and understand truly the greatest of agonies and the harsh truths of life.

I only spoke with him to understand, and I came to many of the great revelations myself completely on my own.

And here is one thing I’ll tell you about god, firstly, he truly does love everyone, more or less, maybe except the willfully ignorant, that means EVERYONE, from the most depraved serial killer to the selfless person, he understands and is all these mentalities.

So he never really interferes and instead leaves it up to everyone else to compete with everyone, because it’d be unfair to give another an unfair advantage, so if a serial killer is about to get his next pure innocent (a pretty rare thing but an example) victim, he won’t interfere, because he understands what an outcast that person is, and that they’ve earned that if they succeed.

Also, god is mostly focused on keeping the universe and the planets working in order, a truly monumental herculean task, that he doesn’t even always succeed that, despite being amazingly balanced and dealing with all this alone stronger than everyone.

Invoke the other spirits and beings, that’s what they are there for, he delegates tasks to them, through either choice or right of conquest from powerful ones.

God genuinely doesn’t have time for this shit, he’s trying to make sure the earth doesn’t accidentally float into the sun, and the same for every other planet and solar system we don’t know about, that’s more important.


and to be clear, I don’t mean a nebulous couple things I heard, or things I interpreted in my mind.

Or unclear messages where I had to let my head be blank and spoken into.

I astral projected outside the entire universe, saw god in his full self (the universe itself) and had a very clear, long and advanced conversation.

I think the real problem is people who follow the Abrahamic faiths don’t understand the principle of God so well.

I don’t blame them, this entity is hard to get and i feel like us occultists know Thee better than them :rofl:

There’s a reason why praying for Jesus, Mary, the Saints etc tend to have more results for people who desperately need help.

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Sorry, I’m not really a techy so i don’t know how but hopefully it won’t get me in trouble. It’s "joy of satan " you will need to rummage for it

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