Do you think it's wrong to get revenge with magick?

Ya know, Left Hand Path people love to preach about the masses being sheep, while they still congregate in their communities where they echo their beliefs among each other. LHP people often believe they’re wiser than the masses, yet the only place I’ve ever seen so many impulsive attacks on others (including myself) is occult social media environments.

This is because witches know they won’t go to prison for hurting others through spiritual means, so they are often even more liable to impulsively lash out than most mundane people even are. Witch communities love thinking they’re apart from the societal mold, but from experience, witch crowds are even worse than regular people.

I understand that the law continuously fails to deliver real justice, but witches are basically just regular people who got ahold of magick – with all the petty behavior the public comes with. (only with less consequences)


This :point_up_2:t2:big time. It’s insane. I don’t even want witch friends anymore (for a great part).

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I’m not advertising here but just another point real quick. I offer consultations and readings on Tiktok. That platform has a heavily Feminist and LGBT presence there. Entities like Hecate and Lilith are extremely popular there. And I shit you not, literally 100% every time someone orders a consultation because they’re being attacked/vampirized by other witches, it’s ALWAYS by witches who follow spirits like Hecate or Lilith. (Or spirits tied to them) It’s literally NEVER by Archangels or Hermetic magicians. It’s 100% always Pagan or Left Hand Path witches straight up messing with people.

But I give rituals for the victim to contact Archangels for defense and the attacks 100% always stop quickly. That’s why I always promote archangels. My experience for both myself and customers says Archangels are simply more powerful than pagan or infernal spirits.

So instead of teaching people to slay with magick, I like helping people spiritually protect themselves. Because nowadays, there’s a petty witch around every corner of society now, and not everybody wants to be a full blown magician just to keep living their own lives. Spiritual protection is vital in 2024.


Revenge is not a bad thing. If you are struck on the right cheek, do not turn the other, but rather smite the attacker on their cheek instead.

We are divine, all of us, and to allow others to tread upon us and cause us intentional harm is not only a disservice to ourselves but to those around us. It sets a precidence for allowing misgivings and harm, and shows others that this behavior is okay.

Taking that a step further, to do so with magick as a means of kicking up the “don’t tread on me” is a form of self protection.

Protect yourself and your family/“family” by any means you deem appropriate, so long as the ends justify the means. Sacrificing someone to the deepest layers of hell isn’t exactly necessary if they only slighted you, you know?

Drive your own Karma bus. It works well for me.


Sounds like that subreddit has a case of witchy wokeness. Which is a pretty funny thing in LHP practitioners. Especially when you feel the need to push your morals on others.

I think it’s perfectly fine to take revenge. But do note I am a double Scorpio so the act of and the need for revenge very ingrained for me…
Turning your other cheek sounds like a beautiful sentiment in theory and perhaps in some situations the absolute best course of action, but in general very unhealthy in the reality of this world. Taking revenge can be very cathartic helping you to put the injustice done to you aside quickly, helps you not to get stuck in victim mode, helps reinforce to others that you do in fact have boundaries and if you cross those there will be consequences and the act of revenge can in some situations be a reaction totally in accordance with karma and other universal laws giving the victim of your revenge a valuable life-lesson.
I would say that it is important to react in proportion, other than that you should attach your own morals to it. Don’t just let others tell you what you should or shouldn’t do on your magickal and spiritual path.


heh heh

I’m not LHP, I balance darkness and light within myself.

And I’ve been constantly warned for giving minor criticism on here that it’s perhaps not great to revenge for minor shit, or if it was really necessary, I never said revenge is the best shit of all time and the answer to every question.

I was asked if it was wrong and I responded, it’s not wrong to respect yourself, I just did it in a fun hell yeah kinda way, I didn’t think I had to go mega deep for every post.

This society condones torture and people will live and go to their graves abused by others to truly horrific soul breaking ends and beyond, with never any reprieve. A classic example of what can happen to someone, who aren’t as lucky as he is to get their own back by normal means, give it a listen it’s a popular story, and there was some news about it back in the day.

Society sure didn’t help him as a kid and only years later when he got some property and societal power could he get justice, some people don’t make that and just mentally break and die with the injustice.

Most people are sheep, it’s not an opinion, it’s a clearly observable, endlessly provable and has been endlessly proven fact, I’d say about 70-80% of the population.

The occult community, of all I’ve been to, (don’t get me wrong have their issues) is the only community I’ve seen and 2nd best for critical thinking and self awareness, about 33% of the occult community being very wise and fair and clearly thinking about and seeing the real truths of life.

Where as It’s about 0% of people everywhere else, I may see one good wise person every couple years and a handful of youtubers not in the occultism community.

The only community (not unique individuals) that seem to be consistently 100% wise is the autism community, which i visited on a whim one day and my suspicions proved true that these people really are amazing.

Though it’s good you mentioned this, it’s good feedback and it’s definitely something that should be brought up, it’s just ironic that it was brought up against me.

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In my opinion, and experience, the people who leverage morality and virtue are often times the people who have something to hide. So, don’t listen to them.

Personally, I’m in favor if I think it’s necessary. Sure there are consequences, but it’s better than letting someone hurt you.

In the immortal words of Billy’s imaginary frat boy “Fighting outside a hockey rink is wrong, but I’m imaginary. So, do what you gotta do.”


Thank you for the kind words everyone you’ve give me confidence and healing <3


My man!

Like I said, witches are mundane people who got into magick at some point. They only THNK they’re wiser because they don’t “fit the mold”. Well there’s plenty of people in the the world who “don’t fit it, or choose a different path”. But what is constant visible in occult communities is the type of tribalism mentality seen anywhere else. It’s not critical thinking, it’s just “black sheep syndrome”, but on a social level. Critical thinkers can be found anywhere.


Sure that’s fine, but you can also be wise and be a magic user, I never said critical thinkers can not be found anywhere.

And I didn’t say everyone in the occultism community was wise, I said about 33%, I just never see it in a faceless community anywhere but here and the autism community, where as certain youtubers, authors, etc, I’ve seen it.

But I’ve never seen critical thinkers almost ever in just random comments anywhere but those two places, as whilst not fitting the mold doesn’t automatically make you a higher wiser being, all higher wiser beings don’t fit the mold.

I was wise far before I got into magic, also, not fitting the mold is one of the first steps to being wise.

Literally every ancient philosopher says this, though I came to this idea myself, before even reading any of them, finding I’d came to all the conclusions of all the ancient philosophers myself.

I just kept reading them because it was nice to actually relate to someone, it was sad all these people were long dead.

So sure, whilst every situation should be agonized over, and thought about in nuance, the fact is, in everywhere but here, that is not done, not en mass, or in any consistent sense to be noticable, and I look hard, I see one critical thinker in faceless comments once every few years, and I’ve taken note of it, so I remember every time.

it’s always “never hurt anyone or take revenge” and violence is demonized, despite it being natural to the core physicality of the universe.

So it’s only natural that people would let off a bit of steam here, and enjoy reveling a bit in the opposite.

Yet even though people here should be losing their minds constantly high off the revenge/spite in opposition to what they have to deal with every day, yet I STILL see more nuanced thought here, you yourself are demonstrating it now, by questioning the status quo here, that you can think for yourself, as I’ve also questioned revenge here.

Yet I’ve gave you some fair criticism back, but also validated your fair points, and no one has dogpiled you yet, and won’t, as anywhere else, it would happen instantly, it always has to me, no matter what I say, even if it is promoting gentleness and understanding, that just isn’t popular.

(So no I don’t see as much tribalism here but it is still most common, in about 66% of people here, just not universal, which is a sign there is something to this)

So whilst I think it doesn’t always make you wise to be a wizard, the word wise literally comes from WIZard.

As everyone who starts to dive into these things, usually do so because they can think for themselves and want to take control of their own destiny, aswell as to understand things greater than the material.

To become truly proficient beyond just basic ritual, requires a certain amount of wisdom to reach the higher levels, if not the basic.

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This - exactly!!! IF the 3 fold law or karma exists. It would actually have to be a “law” by definition it would apply to everyone. Can you imagine good people aways being rewarded and bad people always doing bad shit?!?! The world would be a shambles. I mean it’s bat shit crazy already. So I agree, you don’t see anyone who had a family member murdered say “leave it karma!” “It’s not his fault he is a murderer”. “Not his fault he’s a rapist” hell no! They go through a ridiculous justice system. That often fails. And then we all know they would say “if I ever see that fucker again - I will take care of it”. Those exact same people are the ones saying “leave it to karma”.


Agreed, it’s so obnoxious and annoying. If someone wrongs you, definitely get revenge. It’s like if someone slaps you, instead of slapping them back you say “karma will get them.”



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Hello! I don’t think it’s wrong at all. In my opinion, magic should be used for self-defense (even if that means going on the offensive) and to manifest your own destiny. When you take revenge, you’re often acting in defense.

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In people’s mind not following the norms of a community (psychological survival, blind attachment) is the most threatening thing for physical survival. So even if as an individual it would be fair to put revenge on somebody who hurt you, if he live closely in a community, he will just follow the norm of not putting revenge blindly, and fear psychologically to even acknowledge that when he go home he can just when nobody see him, he can do revenge ritual. In reddit people use their dumb social characters.

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I got into magic at the age of 50 because i had had enough of being fucked about, by neighbours the government police law courts all as bent as a nine bob note, truth and justice is not in their vocabulary .
But there is a lot of truth in the saying
There is no one as dangerous as the man that just wants to be left alone
Right now if the neighbour wants to call me a c#nt over the garden fence he can i can’t be bothered to strike up the incense and do a full blown magical ritual just to spite him
Live and let live until that is not recipricated and then they are done
Happy magick

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Next question.
