Do you have positive experiences with most / all spirits (you wanted to work with)?

Do you have positive experiences with most or all of the spirits you ever planned on working with? Or were there spirits that outright rejected you, attacked you, etc?

By far the majority are positive.


Were there any spirits that were like, “You’re not welcome here.” Or “I don’t want to work with you.” ?

@Baal I mean every single Spirit so far has been positive as far as ones I’ve actually wanted to work with go. From a mundane lense have some of them caused me harm? Yes. From a spiritual lense though, I understand why. I was quite a bit hesitant to work with entities from the Qliphoth, and sure I suppose a certain entity may have wrecked a bit of havoc (which btw I AM grateful for and I would still work with them again when I get the chance), but havoc isn’t always bad and even what would seem negative tends to have a purpose that’s always been clear to me. Also, I LOVE Naamah.

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I don’t doubt that :wink:

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@Baal and yes I know how hypocritical being scared of Qliphothic entities sounds given the sort of dark stuff I work with. People are irrational.

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Fear is merely an alarm about what your body PERCEIVES as a POTENTIAL threat. Not an actual 100% threat to you. It’s not you, it’s your body.


I have to say so far it has been a positive experience all arownd for the entities I work with. With that said some I have wanted to work with have not always been willing to work with me at first. All I have really gotten in rejection is, “Come back once you have learned more.” . So yeah notthing bad when it comes to working with, so far.


Once, well twice, but past that and the Lucifer thing they were all good. (As good as working with the literal embodiment of fear can get)

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Majority has been positive. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the replies, folks!

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Yes all of spirits I have reached out to have always helped me out

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A bit chaotic at times but majority positive experiences.