Do you ever feel "drawn" to an entity as if they are calling to you?

No need to repeat the title. I feel as if some if some beings after reading about them or hearing I feel a strange calling to but evocation is sketchy at best. Sure I need to work on divination but am I the only one that feels a calling? Even before evocation? Even when different spirts attributes are similar in nature?


That happens to me all the time, it’s a good sign - trust it! :thumbsup:


This is a thing lol sometimes they headsmack or dropkick my ass going “PAY ATTENTION! This is IMPORTANT!”

Azazel does this to me when he is trying to show me something, cause i can be a bit thick lol and i have never ritually evoked him but he has shown up multiple times, Named himself during my mediation, and then hurls synchronicity at me like a damn hail storm of “hey check this out”


Yes I’m speaking of beings never called upon

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I think King paimon has hurled a few things at my head as well, unconfirmed. Beginning of this year There was a point i think he was basically throwing books and articles at my skull pointing to info i was after as well as his name kept popping up in random as fuck ways while i was lookin for stuff. Again another king i have never evoked


That can only be a good thing. They see something in you. They will make you stronger. Answer the Call.


I did :joy: That is how I ended up exploring the path of smoke. Between the Demonic kings throwing info at my head, the old ones teaching me a proto version of kunda yoga Months before i had ever heard the term or of Kurtis’s work and the Div’s and reading about the later work of envocation and spiritual warfare.

At times i have moments where i am sitting here going " ok… What the fuck are you crazy bastards getting me into!!!" O.-


A few months ago I was posting on a topic I can’t even remember but it was un-describable. Literally within minutes as I was browsing typing I had you tube on tv in background and my answer was discussed in detail.


Shits unreal- I just made a post regarding recommenden a you tube vid- watched another by same user called “how to connect with demons for black magick” and the blood offering part may be debatable but just watched just now and was of course talking about evo/invocation but said Belial taught him that the highest honor was another form “invitation” where they basically call you. Now is that a coincidence and sorta on point with this topic? I think not.


It is what I would consider “the favor of the gods”. Take it. use it. Evoke. If the call is that definite then it means you would have to do little to get them to respond.

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So… I have been sort of friends/acquaintances with Odin since the beginning of my journey 15 years ago.

It was three days ago that i finally realized He has been calling me ever since i began…

Listen to the call, don’t be a boob like me and close your ears for half your life


Last summer, I felt a strong emotional drawing to femininity, nature, and liberty, and knew it was the pull of a deity to her domains. After a lot of research, I hilariously realized her name is Artemis. She’s been my matron deity since. Does this count?