Do u need to evoke for a pact?

What are alternatives besides evocation and invocation to making a pact with a spirit?

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There’s not really many things. Especially with the intensity of contract you want to create. I wouldn’t recommend using much else because it won’t be beneficial in the end.

Lildrew67 What are alternatives besides evocation and invocation to making a pact with a spirit?

You could set up an Altar dedicated to your spirit and write a petition asking what you want and stating that in return, you will give the spirit this on completion of their work for you. This would definitely be an alternative to an evocation. It will certainly prompt the spirit to act on your behalf once you’ve built a good rapport with them. This mimics the ways of Voodoo and allows a good relationship to form as there is respect and a fair exchange of energy given on both sides.


Interesting, that doesn’t require evocation?
I never heard of that, it sounds nice to try


You could as an alternative to evoking for a pact, either have a more experienced magician co opt and do the ritual for you, with you.

B: set it up like a petition

Make two copies of your petition, list what you expect and want from Spirit X, list what you’ll do in exchange and draw the seal of the spirit on both copies add a drop of blood to it.

Formally petition the spirit X to receive your pact. Burn the spirits copy with the intention of sending it to the spirit world.

Watch your dreams for several nights after for a sign. Or use tarot or pendulum for confirmation if your clairs are undeveloped.

Remember pacts must be lived by both parties to be real.


I never thought About hiring someone to help that’s a good idea

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If it were me hiring someone I’d want to be. Physically there for the operation. The spirit needs to meet you and know you face to face. That’s my opinion

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I’m trying to do a permanent partial possession so I can be able to hear the spirit when ever I need to with out having to Summon him

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Okay I’ll keep that in mind

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Partial possession should really be done with a spirit you know and trust.

Im pacted with Prince Orobas and I recently did a partial possession channelling session and it was fantastic. My clairs were magnified greatly from it.

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Ye that’s what I’m hoping to get out of it is increased pyshic senses

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Check out these two entries from the ebook I wrote.

I hope you find something valuable


I’m not sure why you want to go around evocation (or invocation) and jump to possessions. From my view, and I know the view of others, possession and invocation pretty much coincide. You can’t be possessed without it occupying your space which is how invocations work.

If your aim is possession, also, I’m wondering why you would want to do that with a spirit that you haven’t “seen”. My advice: do the evocation, feel the energy, communicate, and then move forward.


Tbh I got a lot going on I just want to make a pact with a spirit to support me in overcoming all the adversity I’m facing right now

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Lots of us turn to magick when we have a lot going on. We set aside some time and make time for magick because it’s important. If you can’t devote an hour to this, why should a spirit you don’t know make a “permanent partial possession” with you?


Idk where u got the fact that I can’t devote an hour from I practice meditations about 2 hours or more a day

My current living situation Does not allow me to practice fully I can’t vibrate words or nothing of the nature hence I asked about other ways for contact the spirit and yes possession may be a bit of a rush

But I definitely meditate consistently

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I stay with Christians and I got told me just doing yoga was the devil soo… imagine me with a damn circle and candles I would be kicked out and shunned

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I’ve been thinking instead of doing possession.
Doing a pact with belial to influence me and my life into what he think would be best for me at the time.

On the conditions that nothing leads to self destructive habits or behavior
And that no harm comes to my family

I’m living with a Christian right now. As I have in the past. And it has never stopped me from doing ritual. Living in fire-free places has also never stopped me from doing a ritual. Not being able to vibrate words has also nevvveeerrr stopped a ritual.

Meditation is not the end-all be-all of magick–there is more if you’re willing to look and practice. And I never questioned your meditation habits lol I meant devoting an hour to ritual or communication with a sprit. My opinion is that consensual (not that I’ve ever been a part of non-consensual possession) possession is literally invocation and if you want a pact you’re gonna have to open a pathway of communication and maintain it.

Possession or pact, I’m not sure you’re gonna get either if you can’t get over this hurdle of being unwilling to practice anything other than meditation because you live with Christians. Unless you’re an astral temple person, my biggest suggestion is to close a door or put up a curtain or go outside and do a ritual. If your first experience contacting a spirit is looking for possession, I’m gonna advise you take a step back. If you’re first idea is to instead make a pact with Belial, I suggest you really make damn well sure that’s what you want. Pacts are serious things.

:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: You know how many of us have been through this… either you step up (if it’s safe to do so) and be proud, or you figure out some discretion. It’s not an unwalked path at all to be treated different for doing magick.

That you’ve written this out makes me really wonder how much you know about working with these beings. Make sure you do your research ahead of time. It’s not bad to have conditions, but the fact that you’ve typed these out makes me concerned you think spirits are out to hurt you if they aren’t commanded otherwise. Your mind and mental state is super important in magick. Make sure you’re in command of your thoughts and feel secure in your dealings.

*I want to revisit something I said about taking a step back if possession is the first sprit-involving magick you’re gonna do. The reason I said that is first and foremost that it could really fuck with your baseline.

Best luck!

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Thank you and I’m actually new to magick I’ve just found out this is real only 5 months ago

And I’ve been kinda obsessed with it sense

Though I don’t think spirits are out to hurt me I see many people say things like u have to put it in the pact anyway because it’s a contract

And I have history with belial a small amount but history

I did a ritual with him once
For better spirit Communication

And only a few hours later I’ve never had a vision in my life until then and they where as vivid as TV

One of them that repeated multiple times where skulls and the words belial trails above the skull

Belial has also came in my dreams kinda his sigil would appear and his enn would be chanting

And I have a shadow figure in my room

Also I have a big problem with self discipline so
I was hoping by making the pact and giving belial full permission to influence me and my life he would mold me into the ideal person I can become but am lacking to see