Do rappers actually sell their souls?

Firstly, thank you to darkestknight for standing my incompetence. So from what I have learned from here is that you don’t have to sell your soul to get something and lucifer and other demons and spirits arent like what we thought they were. Does this mean rappers do not sell their souls as some seem they do? or is it still possible?

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Who are you including in “we” exactly?

I guess it’s possible to sell a soul, but that’s not how most of us conduct magick. And there are people who say you can’t sell a soul as well. However, what I am 100% is possible is to make an agreement/deal or pact with a spirit that outlasts the human death.


I’m not sure “selling your soul” is what we’re taught in Christianity. I think, in my limited experience (and please, someone correct me if I’m wrong - I’m here to learn) that you can pledge yourself to a particular spirit and have them as like a patron, where you do things in exchange for what they can do for you and their favour. But I don’t think you sell them your soul. After all, what are they going to do with it?

EDIT: What I’m trying to say is you pledge your loyalty and service, eternal or otherwise.

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At least from what I’ve known from before the typical the “satan is bad and evil” and demons are “really scary and will possess you” things like those. If you watch quite a lot of their music videos you’ll see they often have checkered backgrounds and black and red clothing which apparently has stuff to do with illuminati type stuff or demonic stuff. I just thought it was weird. And thanks for your response.

Ask Mephisto(pheles) about that one.

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I come from a Muslim background so ANYTHING to do with spirits, demons, devils and what not is VERY BAD. I don’t mean nessacarily they sell their souls but maybe they are destined to hell after that deal or something similar. Selling your souls and going to hell are kind of same thing (correct me if I’m wrong).

Well, in Islamic belief this is how its viewed, yes. But AFAIK selling your soul is more akin to selling your will. Up to spirit, to what they will do to the one who sold their soul.


This is a concept not many of us believe in. For obvious reasons like no one wants to believe they’re going to end up in a fire dungeoun being tortured for eternity, but also for more reasonable ones. There are some practitioners who believe a ‘hell-plane’ exists and others that do not. Regardless, working with magick doesn’t automatically destine anyone to “Hell.” What you believe about yourself may lead you to a ‘hell-plane’ though according to some people.

From an Abrahamic standpoint, I would say no. These things are distinctly different. The fear-mongering religious cultures would say hell is hell and selling your soul means you a “demon”'s play thing for the rest of eternity. Maybe the demon frequents hell, but they’re different.

Edit: spelling

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Mephistopheles’ job is to basically take the soul of the damned to hell, isn’t it? He isn’t a collector of souls. Please correct me if I’m wrong and I’ll do more research to correct my misunderstanding.

Most people outside of magick see selling your soul as the typical Christian trope of like “hey satan, I wanna be uber rich and famous and be super popular with the opposite sex and have all the things and stuff… Here’s a contract signed in blood saying you get to keep my would forever in return”. Then when you’re dying, a big red guy with horns bursts into your hospice room in a flurry of flames and sulfur and drags your screaming a** off to hell to be tortured for eternity.

@Delilah there’s a legend about him I was referencing.

Faust “sells” his soul for wordly things.

Even in abrahamic religions, these things are sorta separate. You can go to hell without selling your soul, but you go to hell if you sell your soul. Personally, I don’t think hell as I was taught in Sunday school exists. If it does, earth is pretty much it.

Yeah I definitely agree with you, thanks for your detailed response!

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In Islam its guaranteed you are going in hell for that unless you repent. Demons will be punished after Qiyamah, too. While you are not a demons plaything, hell will be all the same. This is just Islamic belief, of course.

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I agree,

Are you talking about “Dante’s inferno”? I haven’t read it in maybe 20 years or more and I’m not sure I got to finish it. My mother took it off me because it was evil apparently. I only vaguely remember it.

I personally can’t believe in something I don’t know about so I kinda am not in Islam right now which in my opinion is reasonable. I did some petitions and not duas l(similar to petitions) ike we are taught and it seemed to work. So I am kind of having second thoughts now.

Thats the healthy way to approach it, my friend

Most logical approach as well. But you, Vegeta are very irrational lol.

Damn! Here I was wondering how to be Sitri’s plaything for all eternity. I guess selling my soul won’t work :frowning:

Woah! I didn’t know demons were up for punishment in Islam.

@Delilah, The Divine Comedy is a great read! But no, I’m talking about a German legend.

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I can smell your sarcasm through your grammar lol. (Maybe you aren’t)