Do once? Or repeat until results?

I have read at very credible place, that 99% of the workings of any sort, whether it is spell or a ritual is not a one shot deal, but on this forum we always talk about do and forget method. Anyone backing any of these two?

It depends on whether the ritual requires repeated workings. Some do, some don’t.

However if we are talking of the summoning of an entity normally once is enough.

So unless the ritual requires repeated working once is enough.

You can see from our success stories threat that many people have had success doing things only once.

I think you’re confusing the two as separate methods when they’re not.

All spells are basically a one shot deal. However, if you are spelling for a long term goal, in contrast to a short-term goal, you may have to keep making adjustment to your aim. For example, for a working to get some pocket money, you might just fire off a one time sigil and then forget about it. If the result isn’t what you wanted, you adjust your statement of intent and try again. For a long term wealth working, you might do one planetary working with the energies of Jupiter, but then do smaller spells to help direct that energy into specific areas of your life.

In the work of the Gallery of Magick, they often use a numerologically or Kabbalistically significant number of days, such as 33, to repeat a ritual as a way to build up momentum. It is generally not necessary though as the results tend to come before the full number of repetitions is reached. Some authors, such as Corwin Hargrove, recommend doing one ritual, and then adjusting and repeating it as is necessary to get the result you want.


I’ve noticed psychic work where you are doing it with your own power alone, without a ritual, tends to approve not only of repeated working, but continuous focus on the result. Whereas magick and especially sorcery based workings with entities tends to be more “do and then forget it” deal, as your thoughts ARE new workings, modifying the mold you made. Which is why silence of Mind is crucial to magick.

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I asked myself this question A LOT and i came up with that guideline…

if you want something specific ( 500€, a new Iphone…), either go for one magickal act or several days work (Example a seven day work for love, eight days for business.)

If it’s something general : protection, purification, banishement… It’s better to define a hygiene routine.

Same for general topics like abondance, money, heath… You can add has many works that support those themes.

An example would be this : you decide to perform banishments every saturday or every waning moon. If you have a problem with one particular person and you wish to banish them, you will target them for one single work (either one day, five days (Mars) or three day (Saturday)) then you forget about it and continuing your hygiene the rest of the time.

This also happens with directing energy towards your desire, not only spell or ritual but energy works too, where you modify your intention or desire, which you have already put great momentum into, perhaps several times, with what is appropriate for the current situation, so it is achieved easily. #ŮŹEnergy