Do angels help the non-baptized?

I ask this due to the idea that angels obey the will of God and angels are seen as helpers of the “children” (saved Christians) of God. Am I off on this?

Yes, they do. I’ve never been baptized and I work with angels regularly. Angels are not religion specific.


Angels don’t care if you’re not Christian or baptized. And they’re not interested in forcibly converting people.

All you have to do is not be an unreasonable douche canoe. Don’t go out of your way to insult them, and you’ll be just fine.


Angels will help anyone that’s calls them


I have a guardian Archangel and I don’t even work in the Abhrahamic current so yes.


of course they do sweetie, if they want to :slight_smile: being baptised or not has no effect on your spirituality in my view.

on the subject of baptism, I personally believe that a person should be baptised once they are old enough to choose for themselves :slight_smile:


Samael right?

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I second this. We should choose our currents and not have parents or society choose for us.



I was baptised as a kid so can’t really comment (Edit: was not raised Christian), but in my experience angels don’t care or even notice.

The “will of God” is nothing more than the intent and will of Man, angels in that way are agents or messengers of your subconscious which “go before you to prepare a place for you”, i.e. to make your will and intent manifest. JMO

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Thank You MagickVigilante! :+1:

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