
A co-worker of mine explained to me that around 4 years ago he went and visited his great uncle in Venezuela. He explained to me that his relative sat him down, asked for his birthdate and location, and then proceeded to tell him that the person he was with was not his soulmate, he would find his true wife in 2 years time and have 1 male child. Years later this all came to be. He told me that his great uncle wouldn’t share his methods or tell him where he learned this sort of divination. Can anyone tell me what this would be called and how I can do this myself. I’ve came across the Pythagorean System but I don’t want to invest my time in the wrong area. Looking for a way to use my mm/dd/yyyy to foresee my future.

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Plenty of astrologers would ask about birthdate and location, so it can be geomancy. We can’t tell you more without more details.


Probably has a lot to do with astrology. I’d say he’s either gotten really good at it over time, or he was channeling are my best guesses.

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