Divination via dreams?

How many of you get dreams that come loaded with coded messages regarding various aspects of your life? including shit that hasn’t happened yet? I had another one last night regarding a job I’m about to get and why I’m going to eventually leave.

Up until this point I haven’t been able to see what they were talking about but I guess I’m getting better at interpreting the info. I was wondering who all has experience with this.

Me. Almost every single night.

what helped you learn to interpret it?

This is something I’m working on

My vodou teacher helps me a lot.

At the beginning it’s not easy at all to understand symbols and messages sent by spirits. Like everything else, practice makes you improve but as I said I still need the help of my teacher.

To channel spirits messages via dreams you have 1st to want it. The more you think about it, are impatient to go to bed etc the more you prepare yourself to receive messages. This is a virtuous circle.

Most people dont care about dreams and when they go to sleep they just see that :


whereas I see that :

Focus on your desire to receive messages. Start a dream journal to train your dream recall ability.

With time and practice you will open up your channels

I don’t dream often or remeber them but when I do it usually leaves quite an impression and I’ve done well to listen to them.

TWF if you want to aid your recall you could take Vitamin B-6 and B-12 supplement.
It helped me to remember Dreams up to 30 min. after wakeup and while moving. (that was a killer for remembering at all)

I use dreams for contacting Spirits and to look for Omen. Works well for me…
This week I dreamed of going to a new Workplace as a teacher of Hypnosis and the next day I got the Job offered. Only because I contacted the Person I dreamed of.

vit B12/B6/B5 whatever… if spirits want you to remember dreams you will, vitamins or not.

Thanks for the tip Vergil, I work night shift and sleep for short intervals during the day, that hampers my dreams the most IMO, that and of course no rest for the wicked;)

@The Eye: You are absolutely right! If the Dream is important to get something across you will remember. The Vitamin aid is for the other stuff and to kick start remembering. It helped me so I share it.

@TFW: You could try to artificially trigger REM sleep… When laying down for a nap.
Relax -> close your eyes -> tap on the Eyeballs -> move your eyes rapidly left and right.
ahhmmm… well and don’t forget to sleep.
This can trigger REM sleep more rapidly for short sleep intervals.
It also shows the same Brain activity as real sleep in an MRT scan.

I hear a lot of people recall dreams within a half hour of waking, is there anyone on here who doesnt recall them for several hours? Any dream I remember comes later in the day which I find odd.

Happens to me sometimes, if for an example something reminds me of that dream… I’m quite annoyed at the moment, because i remember seeing several dreams last night, but don’t remember anymore what happened… My mind got so full of thoughts when i woke up so - i forgot.

The more you work on dream recall and pay attention every day to your dreams, the faster the souvenir will come back when you wake up.

Now I’m not pissed anymore if it happens that I dont remember any dream even when knowing that I had some because I know that spirits doesnt want me to remember anything meaningful.

[quote=“The Eye, post:12, topic:2989”]The more you work on dream recall and pay attention every day to your dreams, the faster the souvenir will come back when you wake up.

Now I’m not pissed anymore if it happens that I dont remember any dream even when knowing that I had some because I know that spirits doesnt want me to remember anything meaningful.[/quote]
how can you recall dreams or work on it if you can’t remember them I always pay attention to whatever I remember and take note of it is there something else I should be doing

just write down key phrases as soon as you wake up(some people will wake up in the middle of the night). later in your practice you will be able to get pages of information.

In my opinion when you’re doing dream work it always needs to be on at least two levels.

On the dream side I’d say try and be more lucid. People talk about lucid dreaming as if it’s an on/off affair, and thus it’s either a success or failure for them. In reality however there are many levels of lucidity, even a slight increase here will help you remember dreams much easier. You might not have those “I’m in a dream and will now phase through walls like a spectre” moments but you will start to notice you’re waking self is better represented in your dreams regardless.

On the waking side of things I’d advise you to really program yourself to immediately write your dreams down upon waking. Write them down as if doing automatic writing, don’t think just mindlessly recall what happened and let your hands type or pen it down. Don’t worry about typo’s, order of things or correctness of any kind, when waking for a dream you have a precious few minutes in an in-between state where the details are available for you, the more mental you get or strain your brain the quicker you lose that and your chance of getting to the finer details.