Disposing of Love Petition Papers

Hello- again🥲 I was doing some reading and saw that there a few different ways to dispose of petition paper- scattered to the wind, burn, bury, flush/dump. What do each of these methods signify? I know If you want to push something away, you bury it. If you want to carry a message agar, such as for a communication spell, you scatter it. What about the others?

The methods only really have the significance that you give them, imo.

For example, burning something is a way for you to say you are delivering the message out into the universe for it to be received, but it can equally mean burning something down to ashes so that it’ll go away. Likewise with burying. You can bury something to “bury a habit/push someone away” or you can bury something so that it may “grow” and “take root” into the world.

It’s what your mind takes to the symbolism of the action, which is what gives it the meaning.

That is to say, if you are following a book/ritual and you are unsure of yourself, I would follow along with the reading to achieve the results you’re looking for.

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Thank you for this! Just one point of clarification, if I may- what does a “five-spot pattern” mean?

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I appreciate your input! I’m not following a reading per say, just a thread that was provided here on petitions, so thank you for the guidance!

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Thank you!

No problem. I wish you the best of luck in your petitions. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :blush:

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If it is a petition to a spirit, just discard it however you like. The paper itself is meaningless as long as the entity knows what you want.


This what I have always believed. The tools in magick are largely symbolic and inconsequential. The most of the real power and mechanics of significance happen behind the scenes.

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Not quite. Much can be achieved without tools, but there is a use to using the right materials for the right magick, and this can be observed in practice.

However, when dealing with a spirit, if they get the message then the tools used don’t matter as much. You’re simply trying to get your message across to the spirit. Your tools are in most cases then not necessary as the spirit operates in a state of existence different from us.


Kinda kinda. I am one of those people who believe no tool is truly neccesary but I wouldn’t disregard the idea of a tool getting charged enough to be become more than an ordinary symbol.


Absolutely! I wasn’t trying to imply otherwise. Only that the tools are largely unnecessary in the long run and not a requirement for doing magick.