Discussion About Money & Magick (from free-services-look-before-you-leap/129097/78)

Not necessarily with that, but have you asked him why he wants this, and have you explained to him that you want to study something different? :thinking:

Take a look at the first word in the tittle name of this forum.


Make it that the ā€˜someoneā€™ is ā€˜youā€™ and that it is your thoughts that you change first.
To become. To gradually turn yourself into more of what you want to become. Because when your thoughts change, you see that change in yourself and then things around you can change.


This is how a magick forum turned into wisdom forum


The student who failed in science cant become great engineer
Just scoring pass marks wont help


Magick is wisdom and wisdom is magick.

Of course he can. With progressive thought he can overcome his failures regardless of pass grades from institutional systems, colleges or universities etc.


I had severe back pain for years caused by a previous job I had. Was going to various doctors, which they even spoke about ending in a wheelchair, paid a lot for medical exams and I even got some treatment for some time. I didnā€™t helped me at all, so I stopped. People were asking me why Iā€™m not taking my drugs and my answer was:
ā€œBecause thereā€™s no point.ā€
I did everything I could to get another job. For 2 years I went through this constant pain until I managed to leave from there. I live with minimum pain nowadays and no Iā€™m not in a wheelchair. I was right.There was no point. Why? Because If you want to stop being in pain, you have to stop whatā€™s hurting you and then you can focus on healing.
Just a small (true) allegory as an example that what you do, has always an impact on the things you want to change. You may want a change. But you have to do something for that change to happen.


I was learning magick to grant wisdom

I need to influence people
Otherwise people wont get sold
I have to write cover letter in such a way to get job
So I need to learn influencing and persuasion

To do the job I need wisdom and learning skills very fast

So I decided to summon spirits to get those things done
These energies help a lot

So I came here to control these energies

@Lady_Eva should we make this a separate thread cause we derailed from

and beyond?


Anything needs to be removed u can tell me

Not removed just transferred

1 Like

Good shout, Iā€™ve made it its own topic. :+1:


Looks good


Not money, greediness makes a man evil. You can be greedy for many things, money is just an example.


Money, like other things, only reveals what was already beneath the surface. The more you get to know yourself, the less you need to fear about an object ā€œturningā€ you.

Ontop of things such as jounrnaling (both mundane and spiritual activities to understand your mind) and meditation, have you thought of an uncrossing ritual? It sounds like you have wound yourself up quite tightly.


This is why you have such problems with money magic. You have a head full of stuff like this. Gotta undo that before you will start to see results in either magical or mundane efforts.

Right. Itā€™s like booze in that way.


Thats a good start. You need to learn empathy as well. I would suggest udemy courses by Lex DeVille


Thanks for help

But how do u manage to get work if u have no prior experience

There are always entry level jobs that will take you on. Even if its not in your preferred field, take it if itā€™s work you can do. That will help you build a rep as a freelancer

I must be really evil then :rofl: