Not everyone can have children and contribute to the furthering of society in other ways. I would love nothing more than to have someone to leave my books, writings and experiences to and who will either use it or cherish it. But in as much, its not worked that way so far.
I recently did cut someone off due to them moving my things and going so far as to trash certain things. Was that selfish of me? Perhaps. But it had little to do with the things, and I know my guides aren’t offended. But as someone who is extremely flexible and open minded and who has also lived a very very very selfless life, I’ve had to learn it’s ok to have something that I won’t budge on.
That’s not to say a person needs to be exactly like me - no, just accept it and respect it even if you don’t understand it. I don’t recruit nor do I push it on anyone. But knowing how I operate and how I love the flaws and the differences and can accept quite a bit, I expect that in return because most of my life I accepted far less than anyone ever deserved. That’s my self care and I can’t apologize for it.
Ideally, and I’m admittedly an old school romantic with outdated ideas on love, my perfect relationship would be that disgusting obsessed with each other, bonnie and clyde ride or die relationship. The safe space, the home and the person you know will fight the world with you to the end for better or worse. That sort of thing has disappeared and so being left with settling for what I would call “surface types” - well that to me is self gratifying and only satisfying the need for human companionship. It’s certainly not what I’m built for and it’s an injustice to myself and the other party to pretend its enough for me.
All things considered, I used to feel like I wanted to spend my life alone but I did that out of hurt. Lucifer has shown me the error of that and pulled me forward and given me clarity. Although none of us need anyone else, we are built for human companionship and I personally do far better when I have someone to invest in and love because I do it well.
To answer the OP, I don’t advertise it but there is always the question of my pendant or when I say something that doesn’t quite line up the way it should - ie, “thank gods.” Its such a complex thing because I can’t come out and say " I’m *****, I’m Luciferian, I love books, and long binge episode sessions." I don’t identify as a Luciferian or anything so its not so simple. But I know I couldn’t explain to someone, not even someone on the path my relationship to or my love for Lucifer. How do you explain to someone that this great ancient and misunderstood spirit who has been feared and bastardized for centuries - the spirit they more than likely consider the devil and the very definition of evil - came to you in your darkest hour and breathed life in you? How do you explain the love you have for your mother or for your children or anyone else? As Queen Beleth says, love and feeling are a language all their own. I don’t believe I’d ever find the proper words in all the different languages to make someone understand.