Discrepancies in The Complete Works

EA, an inquiry about the Complete Works:

So, a number of people have noticed discrepancies between the original books and their representation in The Complete Works, specifically regarding certain sigils; these have been discussed in other threads.
[ [url=http://becomealivinggod.com/forum/official-announcements/pre-order-now-‘the-complete-works-of-e-a-koetting’/]http://becomealivinggod.com/forum/official-announcements/pre-order-now-‘the-complete-works-of-e-a-koetting’/[/url] ]

For example, apparently the sigils of two entities from the Book of Azazel were switched in The Complete Works.

As another example, the sigils of other entities have been somewhat altered from their original forms (in the case of two I personally noticed, Paralda and Raphael from Evoking Eternity are similar but definitely not identical to their originals; there may be others with more radical changes).

So my question is this: Is there any chance of there being a digital errata being released, perhaps with an explanation of changes? Like the BoA example - with two sigils being switched, which book had the wrong sigils? Or the altered sigils - are the alterations minor enough that either sigil will be effective at calling the entity?

I understand that shit happens, mistakes are made in the publishing world - I’ve worked in printing. I also know that there were some deliberate changes. But a lot of us have worked with the materials enough to notice the changes, so it would give a big piece of mind to have some official clarification on the subject.

Thanks for your response.

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Also, is it true things like extra information from special editions of books has been omitted? I figured this stuff would be included to make the complete works complete

For the link redcircle posted go to page 16 where Attis listed the discrepencies he found.

Also in evoking eternity, the cthonic edition has that banishing. "Ashtu malku ta dat Arkata (sastus) in complete works its (astus)

Writing this can get the wrong impression across. I don’t mean to sound like I’m not completely in love with the CW. It’s such a gift to finally have this knowledge in hand in leatherbound book form.
That being said, there are some differences that are important to us to get explained.

Most especially I would like to hear about why Pent’osch’s and Krehl’a’teral’s sigils were switched, and which of the books have it right in this regard, BoA or CW. Also how come the sigils of Astaroth and Alator are so different from their original ones, and how this will play in when working with them, if it has any empact at all. And of course, why lovely Mepsitahl wasn’t included.

I’ll just link to the changes I found here so it’s all packed into one thread.

I have looked through it and compared it with those of the original books that I have. I only have Evoking Eternity and The Book of Azazel, so I would like to hear what people who have original copies of the other three books find when comparing them to the Complete Works. I found a few things that I’m really puzzled by, and I hope E.A. or Timothy will explain this.

In the Works of Darkness in the Complete Works, the spirit Mepsitahl and it’s sigil is gone, which was the only spirit I knew was in Works of Darkness. The only spirit’s in the Works of Darkness inside the Complete Works is these four: Martal, Kaltemtal, Paimon, and Belial. I don’t know how many spirits are in the original Works of Darkness but for some
reason I had expected there to be more spirits in this grimoire than just these four, and I am really surprised to see that Meptitahl is gone. Anyone who has a copy of the original Works of Darkness who can check how many spirit sigils are in the original for me please?

In Evoking Eternity I found that ALL the spirit sigils had been changed. Most of them were somewhat insignificant changes. Changes that just made them seem handdrawn and weren’t as well done and as pretty as the sigils in the original Evoking Eternity. I’m wondering why this is. Why wasn’t the sigils from the original Evoking Eternity copied over and enlargened? In any case, I doubt this will affect the results gotten from using these in any negative way. However there were some changes that I just don’t know what to do with. The sigil of Astaroth is significantly different from Astaroth’s sigil in the Original Evoking Eternity and in Lemegeton. Also, the sigil of Alator is significantly different from the original in EE.
Why is this?

Another change was the name under the sigil of Lucifer. In the Complete Works the name under this sigil has been changed to Satan,
which I found a bit odd since I and many others consider Lucifer and Satan to be to different entities, and not the same.
I may be wrong in this of course, but it still seem like an odd direction to go to me. Afterall the meaning of the names Lucifer and Satan are very different.
Another name change here is the name Mastiphal which is renamed Masphital in the Complete Works. Which of these names is the correct one?

Besides this, I found nothing different in the sigils and names between The Complete Works and the original Evoking Eternity. Not other than this with the sigils being slightly changed and more simpel versions, seeming to be drawn from hand, and isn’t as pretty as the original sigils (and the crosses at the ends in each sigil and crosses in the sigils in general it seems (only in EE though), seem to have been removed). I can show these differences in photos if you want me to, but they are easily spotted if you compare the books yourself.

There was also some changes to The Book of Azazel, One of them which I honestly found disturbing. The disturbing change is that Krehl’a’teral and Pent’osch has switched sigils. Krehl’a’teral now has Pent’osch’s sigil and vice versa. It’s disturbing to me because the first demon I evoked from this grimoire was Pent’osch, and now I wonder whether it was Pent’osch or Krehl’a’teral I had evoked. Besides this though, the differences between the original Book of Azazel and the BoA in the Complete Works seem insignificant, although a bit odd. The Gateway of Pacts symbol has
changed very slightly. It’s nearly unnoticeable. Some differences such as an end that normally points upwards are in the Complete Works pointing downwards. It doesn’t seem like a change that will make any difference, but I am mentioning it anyway. Again, I am just wondering why it was decided upon to change these things instead of simply copying the symbols from the original and enlarge it? Another difference is that For’tash and Glas’yos has changed places and are sitting on different spots in the hierarchy, compared to where you would find them in the original BoA. Doesn’t seem important, but alittle odd nonetheless.

I did find other differences, but these that I have mentioned above are the only ones that I don’t understand. An example is the removal of the
tree of Life image in Evoking Eternity. I assume removing this was because you wanted to thin out the number of pages, which I can understand.

A last thing I would like to know is this.
Have anyone checked if the secret hidden information in the Special Reserve edition of BoA is also in The Complete Works? I still haven’t gotten my black light so I can check for myself.

The hidden information in the Book of Azazel was placed there by hand by Frank, the owner of Nephilim Press. Obviously, sending the Complete Works to Frank to have him do this for a book that he’s not publishing isn’t going to happen. There’s also a secret to the secret information. It served its purpose for The Book of Azazel.

The sigils of Khro’syas and Pentosch are as they should be in the Complete Works. If they are different in The Book of Azazel, that is because third and fourth parties were laying these out, whereas in the Complete Works it was completely my task. I noticed as I was going through the original MSS that some of these had been bungled in the version that was printed by Nephilim, so I fixed them.

However, if you evoked one being using the wrong sigil, yet it responded to its name, you likely got the spirit whose name you used. Spirits respond much more properly to their names then their sigils. In fact, sigils are a pretty new invention in the scheme of things - in most of history, all that was used were the names of the spirits.

Which brings me to the Lucifer/Satan thing. Firstly, I looked through my original MS, and through the Cthonian edition of Evoking Eternity, and it is listed as Satan the entire time. I’d have to dig into my first release copies which are all bubble wrapped and locked away to see if Ixaxaar’s version had Lucifer or Satan listed.

Now, you can say that Satan and Lucifer are very different entities. Then again, you can summon the Laveyan aspect of Satan and arrive at an entirely different being than if you summoned the Southern Baptist version of Satan. In this way, there are multiple “Satans.” The same is true with Lucifer. I use the sigil of Lucifer to arrive at the manifestation of “Satan” because it is a very specific “form” of Satan that I’m intending to be evoked, and it is a form that is very similar to that of Lucifer. However, once again, it’s not just in the Complete Works, but has existed in several versions of EE that I’ve looked through this morning.

The Summoning Rite does indeed start at 10. This was absolutely a some sort of glitch. Of course, we could always say that “1-9 have been covered previously, but were not enumerated, ergo the official enumerated steps began with 10.” But, I’m not sure that I’m that clever.

There are three entities that are commonly dealt with in my work: Mephistopheles (which will appear in the Mastering Evocation course), Mepsitahl, and Masphital. Entirely different entities. I actually found a couple places where they were misused, and corrected them for the Complete Works.

Again, Alator’s sigil appears the same in the C.E. of EE. Whether Ixaxaar’s artist changed it or not, I can’t say at the moment, as I haven’t dug out the Ixaxaar edition of EE.

As far as the artwork goes: the books that were published by Ixaxaar went through the hands of a contracted artist. While I retained the copyrights to all of my writings, Ixaxaar purchased the copyrights for the artwork from the artist. So, if I were to simply copy and enlarge, then I’d be in copyright violation. I also found that Ixaxaar’s artist took certain liberties with some of my original sigils that I didn’t care for.


All these details are very much apreciated

Indeed, Thanks E.A. for the clarifications.

Yes, thank you.

Thank you for the response, EA. It is much appreciated.

Pent'osch's and Krehl'a'teral's sigils were switched
I have a cloth bound BOA, not a special edition Should the sigils for these demons in this version be swapped?

Yes, most likely. I haven’t looked at mine carefully, so I’m only going off of comments here, but I do know that the sigils in the Complete Works are as they should be.

I have a question regarding the Sumerian banishment which can be found on pages 35, 424 and 469. There are spelling differences in two sentences, namely the second and the last. Which ones are correct?

‘Astus’ or ‘Sastus’?

‘kelta’ or ‘ketla’? (3rd repetition)


Sastus and Kelta… typos that, since they are in another language already, my editing software didn’t catch.

Thank you, I figured that’s what happened.

Sumerian? I don’t think so.

Yeah, those aren’t sumerian. They were delivered to me directly from demons, and it seems to be a derivation of Nabatean or another form of Aramaic.

Aha, nice to know. I didn’t know what language it was, so I my brain made the link “Demons = ancient Sumerian gods”, hence ‘Sumerian banishment’.

Demons are ancient gods, not just in Sumeria, some have run into native groups of demon worshipers praying to demons like Bime as far away as Mongolia.

Sumeria is an ancient country, and Sumerian is an ancient dead language, that has been lost for almost 2,000 years. Due to this fact, I’ll be pulling some popular occult phrases in this language that you’ll probably run into if you encounter this language in popular occult lore.

Here are examples of Exorcisms and Banishings in Sumerian tongue, with translation. I don’t take credit for this, I stripped it off a source I trusted.

ZI ANNA KANPA! – By heaven be thou exorcised!
ZI KIA KANPA! – By earth be thou exorcised!
GALLU BARRA! – Devil, begone!
NAMTAR BARRA! – Pestilence, begone!
GIGIM BARRA! – Ghost, begone!
ALAL BARRA! – Destroyer, begone!
TELAL BARRA! – Wicked warrior demon, begone!
MASQIM BARRA! – Fiend, begone!
UTUQ BARRA! – Spirit, begone!
IDPA BARRA! – Fever, begone!
LALARTU BARRA! – Phantom, begone!
LALLASSU BARRA! – Spectre, begone!
AKHKHARU BARRA! – Vampire, begone!
URUKKU BARRA! – Larvae, begone!
LILITU BARRA! – Succubus, begone!
UTUQ XUL EDIN NA ZU! – Evil Spirit, go to the desert!
ALLA XUL EDIN NA ZU! – Evil Demon, go to the desert!
GIGIM XUL EDIN NA ZU! – Evil Ghost, go to the desert!
MULLA XUL EDIN NA ZU! – Evil Devil, go to the desert!
DINGIR XUL EDIN NA ZU! – Evil God, go to the desert!
MASQIM XUL EDIN NA ZU! – Evil Fiend, go to the desert!
BARRA! – Begone!
EDINNAZU! – Go to the desert!
ZI ANNA KANPA! – By heaven be thou exorcised!
ZI KIA KANPA! – By earth be thou exorcised!

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Just wanted to compare the Seal of the Sorcerer in Kingdoms of Flame and the Gateway of Pacts in The Book of Azazel. At first glance they both look to be encompassed by the Grand Invocation of Pacts, but upon closer look there are some minor differences in the symbols.
Is this a small inaccuracy or are they two slightly different incantations?