Did the Norse people have sacred texts beyond the mythologies?

Have you read the work of Stephen Flowers a.k.a. Edred Thorsson. He’s done a lot of work on Norse and, more recently, Persian ( :slight_smile: being “Indo-European” in his view :slight_smile: ) spirituality and shamanism. He might have some insights that help.

Most classic texts, the Bible is one such, may pose problems because although almost all of them include the core spiritual principles, they often have them–sometimes severely–enmeshed with allegory, personal and social preferences, translation errors/omissions etc. that make it very hard to extract unless read with insight.

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No, not really. Also specifics and details to lore could be fluid and subject to slight variations by region and each Germanic tribe. A good means to study such in this day and age? Would be to study the traditional folk practices and beliefs of various Germanic countries and people.
For example: the tales of Brothers Grimm are loaded with the beliefs and practices of the German. Figures like “Frau Holle” or “Muttergans” (Mother Goose) and the Alpine custom of Perchta are actually in-fact “dressed up” representations of a deity sacred to the Germans.


Teutonic Mythology Vol 1~4 by Jacob Grimm


Loki could be seen as both given in variations he is half jotun half Aesir and speculation that he was Lodurr brother of Odin and not just blood brother through pact. I tend to believe he is half brother of Odin through my own experience and research. However, many don’t care for UPG but UPG imo is more legitimate in a few cases.

Like in one speculation farbauti struck laufey for being disloyal and Loki’s brothers names are both names held by Odin.

Because of the oral aspect of the religion, you can also look closely at the Tuetonic fairytales and folktales. These are actually echos of oral traditions of the mythos of the Germanic people, and actually give a lot of insight into the gods themselves.

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Nononono. If you study deeply into the mythology, you will find many of the Aesir to be LHP.


There is actually a living unbroken tradition of heathenry in America brought by the Pennsylvania Deitsch in the Urglaawe tradition of Heathenry with most of their focus being on Frau Holle. It’s why I use a sickle instead of a dagger or wand. Urglaawe itself is very recent, but the old Deitsch still called the gods by name in their folk magic (Braucheri and Hexerai), only calling them “Helpful Spirits”.


I totally forgot about that! But you are exactly right, a lot of information can be gleaned from the Pennsylvania tradition. In fact, for those of us in the States, it’s probably the best source, since it’s adapted to our culture.

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I’ll have to look for him.

What she says and the Teutonic Mythologies book from Viktor Rydberg!, a masterpiece !

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