Did the Egyptian Gods become the JINN?

If not, what happened to them? What is the modern representation and worshippers like?

I am just curious and conflicted

Thank you

They are not jinn? They have a very ancient primordial vibration


No. Just no.


Ok, thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I don’t think so

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They were never worshiped as gods, rather they are parts of our brain, according to his majesty ra sema ba. Feel free to check out his youtube channel

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hmmm thank you

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You are talking about the Egyptian gods? If so, you’re wrong lol, they’re very much real

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I also have to disagree, what he describes is called archetypes which I also have studied. Gods and spirits are very real

Where did you get this idea?

Just asking out of honest curiosity


Nothing happened to them. They’re still around. Djinn were worshipped as minor gods as in a way they are as such.


I study and I am fascinated by the Jinn especially in Africa like the Zar or North African Jins. I couldn’t help but think the practices or worship to the jinn sound similar to my interest in Kemet. The incenses, the trance music, the different facets of jinn dealing with different issues. But I kind of see now that the gods are more expansive

The djinn are very powerful beware! They are a race made of finer fire and smoke. There are good ones and bad ones and everything in between. Kind of reminds me of the fae.

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I don’t understand what the connection between the two is?

Most things that “become” something, only do so because humans decide to put two unrelated things together, and label them as the same. This has happened with other spirits/deities. So I wouldn’t be surprised.


rip egyptian Gods being shoved into the goetia


The Egyptian gods and djinn are two very different things.

I can also tell you from experience that the Egyptian gods are still around and fine. They did not become djinn, nor were they ever djinn.


I used to look at him too on YouTube … He is awesome

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Really does make me question just how many different gods and spirits are among us. I always champion the beliefs of the ancients, especially the Sumerians who may be way older than the Egyptians. However there is evidence that the pyramids and the sphinx were built long before the Egyptians arrived there. This leads into heavy ancient alien territory… however it really does makes you think though? Apart of me really think that these gods were aliens… who knows.


This is good to know. They deserve their recognition

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Yeah there’s Alot of evidence to support this theory read zechariah sichins 12th planet or stairway to heaven. Wars of gods and men. Really interesting stuff. Begs the question if they are physical beings how are we invoking and evoking them. Unless what we understand as the physical and astral matrix is incomplete. Very thought provoking thanks.