Did I mess up my Connection? (King Paimon)

Thanks for the advice! What would be a good way to get answers in your opinion?

Definitely Tarot. It takes, time, practice. But it’s worth it. Besides, it is useful for other magickal practices.

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@Xendrath do you know of any spreads or simple practices to get started so I could build this? I want to make sure I do it right. I’m very new to tarot.

Or able to point me in the right direction of some tutorials?

Hello and I’m glad to meet a fellow taurus on here king paimon as every one said doesn’t like speaking with the pendallum…it’s unfortunate but your senses are open enough to hear him in your head anyway try calling him again I get the feeling that he did you like furfur does me at times he is there but not there kinda thing as in if you can barely hear him it means he open the link you have with him just enough for him to hear you but well let’s just put it this way calling them at times is like calling some one on a phone that has crappy cell service…not the fact that he and you don’t have a good connection I feel as though he is proud that you took the steps to make him your first as many of them do especially the ones who have watched over us since we were Young n yes they do that…anyway please keep your head up and keep on with it if you can’t hear him at times just let him know so he can fix that…you all are very lucky…I myself have spoken to him once and let’s just say he is very intemidating to me lol he is kind stand offish and I felt intemidated I wish I could have a better relationship with him but unsure if that can happen anyway I hope this helps and you continue to strengthen your bond with king paimon

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wait, you actually communicated with Him?

Taurus Nationnnnn :taurus::sparkles:

Right! Like I’m trying to communicate with him and it doesn’t help that I have serious Christians at home that see damn near everythinggg. I think that’s why initially he had me carry his seal around. But reconnecting seems so hard right now.

I’m trying Sis! I’d like to get some work done with him. Maybe I’m being too eager and just need to keep the faith; stop trying to force a better connection. Ain’t even been a week yet​:joy: idk. I’m brainstorming here :joy:

To me he can seem that way, but I take it as he isn’t here for nonsense and he isn’t afraid to make that known. Especially when he is a King. Kind of like the personality of a Lion. Bold. But not malevolent.

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You have to keep your trust in him so he can do his work with you also keep in mind they get busy and again crap service lol but I believe he is watching and waiting to see what you accomplish

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Maybe! We will see what happens🤞🏾 I’ll keep you updated. PM me? I don’t have that option as of yet😁

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I will do that and sorry for the lateness it’s been a horrible day to be in El Paso tx

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And I want to push him away and forget.

@Maya777 why is that?